Travel to Cibodas Botanical Garden West Java Indonesia

The location of Cibodas Botanical garden, not far from where we live, just behind the gede pangrango mountain. To reach that place one must rotate trough the Cianjur area, if calculated a distance of a bout 50 kilometers, because it is located in the Botanical garden mount ___gede pangrango.


Access to the Cibodas Botanical Garden is very easy, via the highway between Cianjur on Bogor. Cibodas botanical garden is at the foot of mount Pangrango, at an altitude of 1500 meter a bove the sea.


The air in the Botanical garden is cool during the day and cold at night, many visitors come there to enjoy the view and many types of plant and trees that are old.


Cibodas Botanical garden area, is a relic of the dutch colonialist in 1850, a curator nemed, Botanical garden which was formerly called bergluin de tjibodas who enters. This botanical garden, pay for every visitor's ticket, car, motor bike ticket, excep for car and mitor cycle holiday parking out side the botanical garden area.


Cibodas Botanical garden, is a collection and collection of thousands of species of living plant. Glass building or green house as places to protect various types of plant from orchids, caltus, and various types of plants lest than 4000 collections of planting cactus orchids, and other.


There is a concern of visitors, one of wich is the Cherry blossoms, flowers that are commonly grown in Japan, but the types of cherries that grow in this. Botanical gatden area relatively smat in number, the flowering season when in japan cherry blossoms bloom once a year, in contrast to this botanical garden can flower twice a year.


There are a round 300 variants of cherry plant, but there are seven variants of cherry trees in the Botanical garden. So if you eant to see the cherry blossoms do not need to go to Japan just go to the Cibidas botanical garden, between -january _ february and july _august.


Tourism in the Botanical garden is to know plants and trees, and enjoy mountain view and green plant and education to increase knowledge with the types of conservation park tourism.


In the area of this Botanical garden with an area of bout 85 hectares, in good lay out,visitors can see mose garden, this park is overgrown with about 235 species of moss plant originatiry from the territory of it looks green.


Walking around in the Botanical garden with cool air, bringing breath to be fresh eyes of plants that we rately sed, also there are trees that have been centuries old.

Botanical gardens and visitor facilities, as aplace for visitors, need, such as toilets, gazebos, prayer,shelters, and other facilities, a short story a baout travel in s Botanical garden, thank you.

June, 2020.

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