Hitting the Road

Greetings, everyone


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Today I'll start a long road trip to take my mother to a sister's house. If you've followed my blog, you may know where this comes from.
Given how difficult and dangerous it is to travel in Venezuela, I'm posting this just in case :)

We are going from Cumaná (East) to Punta de Piedras de Barinas (West), a more than 18 hour drive. We have to take several buses and cars to cover that distance. Hopefully we won't find road pirates or blocks and hopefully the bus will not suffer any mechanical problems. All of the above are common things now in this country.

I would have preferred not to have gone on this trip, but this was not something we just chose to do. Circumstances forced us to. My mother will stay at my sister, probably for good. Her home is not a home anymore. About that I will probably keep writing if I make it safely back :)

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