Travel fever


I have been keeping a little break from posting for a couple of weeks now. We packed our bags and left to look for heat and the sun in the middle of this cold winter here in Finland. Although it has been very beautiful snowy winter, but it has been so cold here for a long time so it was great to take a getaway from here.

(Far away from this HEL :D )


After travelling about 30 hours we reached our destination. We had to change planes in London and wait there for 6 hours so that´s why the travelling time was so long. 6 hours is too short time to go to London city center, but it´s also a long time to wait at the airport. Luckily there was a great lounge where we could sit, eat, have a few drinks and relax.

But a long travelling time was worth it, we found heat and the sun ;).

Now it´s good to be back at home after an awesome vacation.
Unfornately we forgot our better camera at home, but we are still going to post and tell something about the trip later. ;)

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