Been missing, but not much action :).

Hello Steemians,

Firstly, I apologise to Steemit for being away for such a long time. It must be at least two weeks, but feels like a lot longer. I did have a very bad case of writer's/creative block and have saved and deleted many passages that I felt just weren't right. It's a strange state to be in and the more you try to write something, the more you struggle to. I do have a lot to post about but a lot of it is personal and not a very happy place, but such issues can wait for now, as I felt I just needed to touch ground.


Talking of touching ground, I have recently been away (not all down to writer's block, then?) to Spain for a break and I guess I can base this post around my excursion. I last flew around 23 years ago and before that, around 35 years ago. I had flown, I think, ten or twelve times, and I remember enjoying it. This does not appear to be the case with my present self. I do not enjoy the experience of flying at all. Maybe sitting at the front and next to the window didn't help, both ways. I flew out at night and felt it had a bearing on the flight and that I'd be comfier flying back in the daytime. I was wrong again.

I will be flying out again at the beginning of December, and will have to devise a method of sorting the nerves out. I could meditate and self-hypnotise, but my brain is a sneaky little shit. It'll pretend everything's fine and as we take off, say, "Oh, hang on, we might die, yes?" But, I will devise a concoction that might steady me a bit - hmmmm. So, not being pleased with myself, I'd flown to Spain in the early evening and it was lovely to land there.


The evening was warm. The journey from the airport to my apartment was very pleasant and the apartment and location were brilliant. I haven't been as happy for a long time, as I was sat drinking a cup of tea and having a smoke on a swing chair in the balmy, cricket song-filled evening, in Spain. I was near the coast, and to be honest, I didn't do a lot more than walk around. I couldn't help myself. There were so many interesting little features that kept me travelling from one into the other. Yes, I lost my bearings on a few occasions, but I didn't care. I knew where the sea was (most of the time).

So, on the first day, I wandered lonely as a cloud, and if you were a cloud on that day, you would indeed have been a lonely one, because the sky was a pure blue and there wasn't a wisp of cloud to be seen.


I could comment on each picture that I share, but I feel that that might feel a little like looking at holiday slides around a relative's house, so I am just going to post en-mass and will continue with my waffling after them. Enjoy....






















I suppose that the pictures speak for themselves. It was a lovely break in a lovely place with lovely weather. I really needed the little holiday and as I'll be going back, I will do future posts. with more detail and comments, but as mentioned, I am just touching ground, after a long period of stifledness, which includes not being able to make any decent balloon models, but it is the Festering Season and I ought to attempt making some Christmas trees or reindeer.

Thank you for reading and viewing and I hope it was pleasant.

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you. Thank you.

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