VW Van life update and why inflation is important to pay attention to:


Paying attention, most people are not and they don't even know what inflation is. It is in my opinion, one of the most important things that should be taught in school and is aggressively responsible for making the rich richer and poor poorer.

The picture above is a new 2.5 litre Subaru engine replacing a 1.9 litre VW engine. As mentioned in my previous post I am moving into the van cutting my fixed overhead to under $200.00 CAD per month with variable costs of food and gas and trying to survive under an early pension of $750.00 CAD mos. The van is expected to be ready for its travels in a week or two. Gonna try to eliminate work and winter.

Inflation is the dilution of your money - are you paying attention yet? What is the dilution of your money and should you care?

My good friend the other day said there is no inflation as the Canadian official inflation rate is posted at 1%. I told him my personal experience of just a few weeks ago when I went to a gas station to use the washroom and grabbed a coffee out of guilt and addiction. At the till there were some pepperoni sticks and my stomach said - just do it! So I did and as I walked to the Van I thought to myself "$8.49 for a coffee and pepperoni - and they say there is no inflation". Lucky I had discovered internet money developed by programmers a few years ago and moved my money to that, whereas it is open source code and the inflation or creation is 100% transparent. My portfolio is up over 500% so I was laughing as in my personal world, I am beating the inflation my friend says he does not see, in leaps and bounds.

I was also talking to my ex sister-in-law just a few days back and she said she is seeing inflation big time. An interesting fact is the USA dollar has been inflated away to the tune of 96-98% over the last 100 years. You may say oh well hundred years I don't feel that, but drilling down 50% of that was during the years 1977-1982. Are you paying attention yet? I see ugly inflation coming in the tune of those 5 years. Mark my words (on this steemit blockchain) you will see your money diluted to the tune of 50% within the next 5-10 years. This dilution (inflation) is used as a hidden tax to pay the debts of an over indebted world and the mismanagement of your government.

2017-07-17 15.12.01-4.jpg

The highest level of the banks are criminal enterprises (most bankers and staff are wonderful people and don't have a clue) but their top shareholders are front running your activities and you lose. The top global banks being fined over $204 Billion dollars in the last few years.

Now maybe those pepperoni sticks I picked up at the gas station were on the long side but $8.49 for coffee and pepperoni they certainly were not that long - I see inflation first hand!

You are not living in the free market capitalistic world you thought you were. You are living in a corporate capture environment and you should accept such and act accordingly. Like the number one thing you can do is shop local! Then you could make sure to vote for people who back unions, high minimum wages and extreme environment controls on corporations. I would go as far as changing the corporation act to make it law that all companies have a big percentage of the shares issued owned by the employees and community.

For further reading of my writings on global monetary policy follow this link.


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