Forced into living in a VW CamperVan and traveling boo-hoo (update), getting rich rich on cryptos and why the war on drugs is a scam which includes terrorism and money laundering...

The van is not ready to live in yet the motor conversion from the 1900cc to Subaru 2500cc is taking some amazing engineering. Here is a picture of the engine core and transmission in:

Here is a picture of the upgraded drum brakes to state-of-the-art disc brakes:

I was laid-off from the finance and IT department of the largest company in the world and since there are not many jobs out there and I remember the ads on TV saying freedom 55 I decided to try not to work anymore and cut all my fixed overhead costs to under $200.00 CAD per month (cell phone/van insurance/property tax) food and gas will be a variable cost. I am moving into my camper-van and trying to live within my means of under $750.00 CAD per month an early pension revenue.

Here I am laying down on this beach my friends front yard in beautiful Nelson British Columbia Canada and thinking it sure is nice to be retired:

Tried an expensive hotel - the bed was extremely comfortable:

Tried a cheap hotel as I no longer own a condo or renting a home could not get bed bugs out of my mind:

Not gonna make it to the greatest music festival on the planet because my ride and living space is not ready. I am a bit relieved as the dust last year was hurting real bad but I was prepared to wear the dust mask more often this year. Oh well, my lungs will be better off. I miss my tribe though. Here are the 10 principles of this festival - burningman:

  1. Radical Inclusion
  2. De-commodification
  3. Radical Self-reliance
  4. Radical Self-expression
  5. Communal Effort
  6. Civic Responsibility
  7. Leaving No Trace
  8. Participation
  9. Gifting
  10. Immediacy

The war on drugs has been proven to be a fraud and I believe it continues as it is a great way for the financial holding companies that own the world to keep control of your money by scaring people with media attacks on money laundering and terrorism. This allows the banks to inflate your money away in order to pay for government mismanagement and aircraft carriers to keep them in power. The second half of this Keiser report talks about the banks kingdom really well. This Abby Martin report shows clearly how big corporations control government for those interested.

Now I may have lost many of my readers talking about a small group making big decisions for the masses to usually benefit themselves while not caring at all for your well-being or even life. I am 35 years in finance specializing in following generally accepted accounting principles and this document proved to me that we no longer have free enterprise or capitalism we now have a world under corporate capture - sorry if that sounds harsh. Most of my readers won't be able to understand that document created by 3 PhD's; Dr. Stefania Vitali, Dr. James B. Glattfelder, and Dr. Stefano Battiston all from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. It identifies an "Economic Super-Entity" 149 companies hold 40% of the shares of 43,000 of the largest trans-national corporations. This makes for near monopolies in every industry.

Crypto-currencies are not growing rapidly just because I think they are a great technology, (a way to describe blockchain or crypto-currencies is it is a new accounting method allowing for the ease of 100% auditing. I like the term triple entry accounting an improvement on double entry with a computer-generated time stamp notarizing all transactions i.e.; debt, credit and time it occurred via witnesses) it is growing because the current shaky investment environment is diversifying into the blockchain space as they are worried. They are rightly justified to be worried as I think the worlds biggest banks and some companies are insolvent (bankrupt). To prevent the pending recession you will see lots of money printing - the inflation or dilution of your monies worth.

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