"Go to a land I will show you"

Well, 3 days in Grafton and I'm well rested and my engine is fixed. Time to head down the upper Mississippi. 218 miles to the Ohio river, then 50 miles upstream to Kentucky, and everything I read says I have only one fuel stop, Hopies marina, which turned out to be just a few barges floating on the bank. I made it there easily with the current, but mooring was intimidating because of that same current, and barge traffic battered my boat against the barges all night long. I did have a great pulled pork sandwich in town that night.
The next two days were simply the best ! Temps in the 50s, light winds, sunshine, good current, and beautiful anchorages.
The first night I pulled into the Kaskaskia river and moored on the lock and dam, every bit as nice as a marina, but FREE !20171210_135552.jpg
The next night was every bit as nice, but involved anchoring in a narrow channel off the river called the Little River diversion channel. Really nice and quiet though, and a good thing, since the next two days, with only 48 miles to Cairo and the Ohio river, would prove to be the WORST, and yet the best.![Screenshot_20171208-190947.jpg]
PS: I'm safely home right now for CHRISTmas and G-son is needing me, so more on my God adventure next time 😉

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