Three Sisters Waterfalls in Descanso, California!

I recently came back from a trip out to San Diego, California to visit some friends and family. Each time I visit California I always experience something new, whether it's the usual touristy attractions to the more hidden gems, such the waterfalls you're about to see in the video below.

A friend of mine who is currently living in San Diego is a big outdoorsman, or I should outdoorswoman. As a traveling nurse, she's been everywhere and literally has seen everything so every time I visit her, we always wind up going on an adventure. The last adventure we went one was when I visited her in Hawaii last year. Probably one of the most amazing outdoor experiences I've ever had in my life. Needless to say, she's never disappointed me. During my visit to San Diego, she took me to a place called the Three Sisters Waterfalls, a three tiered waterfall (as the name suggests) deep in the valley of Descanso, California which located an hour and half northeast of San Diego. The only way to get to it was to hike three and half miles down a steep valley. With the sun beaming down on us and with minimal shade for most of our journey, the hike was no walk in the park.

In the end it was worth it. So worth it. What's even more gratifying was we did our good deed for that day which you'll see in the very last part of the video. Enjoy!

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