Greece, There And Back Again On The Magic Bus

I have published a few life stories on
It is an interesting website where you can get a glimpse of life as it happens or in my case, happened.
This 2 part story involves a trip to Greece back in 1978. And the return on the Legendary Magic Bus.


We booked our trip, flying out very early in the morning from Billund airport with Tjaereborg, a travel company started by a Danish Priest.

The other “world famous in Denmark” Travel Company, was Spies. Simon Spies was no Priest. He had a harem of girls living with him aged from 16 years old to 18. As soon as a girl reached 18 she was out the door and a new one was added. Every year he took one of his planes out of circulation and went on a flying holiday orgy with his female pack and all the paparazzi. He called it free advertising. The press hacks loved him.

And the Danish people loved him as well, because he was a very naughty boy.

Anyway, we got a bus down to Billund, the home of LegoLand, and the start of our holiday in the sun. We immediately made an impression by smoking cigars in the no smoking area on the plane and annoying all the parents.

And of course we drank far too much.

Read the Whole Story:

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

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