Snaggy Mountain Farm Adventures! ~Part1

My neighbor had told me about a super awesomely fun art/music festival community eco-village in North Carolina! Where he had made plans to go and experience his first work exchange!

My friend and no-longer-neighbor, Neeko discovered Snaggy Mountain through Workaway. You can find the link here if you'd like schedule a trip too!

Jared McQueen founded this beautiful creation designed for all kinds of artists and musicians, now known as Snaggy Mountain Farm!

Neeko arranged to stay there for 2 months for his work exchange experience. He kept telling me about his wonderful experiences he was having, and how fun it was every day there. So seeing how much he was loving it, I had to go too!

Homemade cashew butter Neeko made!

Lucca was still in Brazil at the time...

So... I flew on over to North Carolina!

Upon arrival to Asheville's little airport, I walked outside with my bags and guitar, in search of a tree to climb, of course! ;)

However, I wasn't quite sure how safe it was to leave my bags just laying around in this new environment...Β 

Fortunately for me, this airport was "built for climbing"! (Not really, but there wasn't anyone to say otherwise, so that day it totally was! Hehe!)

This was my favorite (because it was the biggest x) climbing wall at the Asheville airport! I took my shirt, socks, and shoes off, then climbed it to the tippy top multiple times in a row in as many different ways I possibly could during the time it took Neeko to get close to the airport!

Once he was close enough, I switched to the smaller climbing walls and climbed in circles since that's just what I LOVE to do! If Lucca was with me I'm sure there would've been plenty of videos, and tree climbing, hehe!

Neeko arrived to pick me up, and as we drove to Snaggy Mountain Farm we filled each other in on what happened during the month my daily tree climbing daily neighbor was gone!

This is the only picture we got of each other together that entire trip... I wasn't so big on taking pictures or videos, nor especially just having/using my phone in general back then, and neither was he, haha!

Neeko had actually gotten injured shortly before I arrived. He fell while climbing a building, and bruised his foot! (Which may have something to do with why when I got hurt, I chose to fully believe that my ankle was only severely bruised... instead of ever considering thinking about the possibility of it even being a little broken... so delusional... hahaha! No regrets though!) πŸ’— So grateful to finally be ready and on the way of being truly healed! πŸ’—

Due to his fresh big bruise, and my unexpected arrival, Neeko wasn't able to partake in his work exchange projects anymore, and I was not expected nor needed as a worker (though I did get to help a few times when manpower was needed! :). Β So instead we just paid a super reasonable amount of 4$/day for our stay in a shared repurposed bus-home! Β Which was perfect for us, plus it gave us the opportunity to PLAY ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!!Β 

Here you can see the trampoline, wood-heated hot tubs, gardens, blackberry and raspberry fields, the barn, the bus-home, the outdoor stage, and Jared's house (where he has a 100% solar powered musical equipment for epic sustainable jam sessions)! (As well as the obvious, the divinely lush mountain forests!)

We spent our days exploring and playing in the mountains and forests, climbing so many trees every day, going on random road trips with awesome people to unbelievably fun swimming spots, rivers, waterfalls, eating, making art, and jamming/making music all the time! On top of gaining countless new connections and friendships with everyone there! Including the residing majestically loving animals!

Beautiful cross-eyed Diane, the bad-ass hunter! Danny Blose a famous Snaggy resident even wrote a lovely song about her, listen to it here if you want! :)

And MOOOOOOOOOSHIIIEEE!!!!! This gorgeous mountain dog lead me on an epic adventure I'll never forget, up a mountain I hadn't explored yet, during my last day at Snaggy!

Exponentially abundantly growing garden that has only been expanding and transforming since we've last been there!

We agreed that when I got there we would begin our new adventure together by mutually motivating and inspiring each other to start eating purely RAW vegan!Β 

Our intention was to stay raw the entire 20 days before Neeko's parents arrived to take him on a family road trip, dropping me off at the airport to go meet with my brother in Columbia!

Stretching and loving the view non-stop!

We began every morning by doing coconut oil pulling, on our way straight to garden or forest! We spent about an hour in the raspberry/blackberry fields each morning harvesting hundreds of berries! (Some days even thousands!) Then we would harvest a BUNCH of all the different kinds of greens/leaves! As well as a some delicious cucumbers! We would use all these fresh ingredients to make a super smoothie we would share together all day!

Glorious Berkley's Polypore Rosie foraged! 😜

So much healthy delicious abundance! However, there were also lots of wild raspberries, blackberries, and many other exotic wild foods to forage, such as a tremendous variety of mushrooms, herbs, flowers, apples, and even ginseng, growing all over the mountains too!

I will continue to share more about my experiences at Snaggy Mountain Farm, in part 2!

Peace out!



I hope you loved this as much as we did and follow us for more epic adventures and healing!!



Thank you and STEEMON!!


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