About last night

So after a way longer day than I expected I am kind of in the clean.

Today was court day.

I had to be at the police station at 9 o clock in the morning.

We left at 10.20...court started around 2...

I enjoyed a ride in the back of a small prisoner transport vehicle. I was lucky enough to not need to wear cuffs.


Overall I was very lucky to have friends knowing the right people so I was able to pay bail on Sunday as the person who is in charge for that is usually not working Sundays.

So I was watching the UFC event on the night of Saturday to Sunday and had some drinks.

The bar is around 500 meters of my place. I know you should not drink and drive...I did it anyway and got caught around 100 meters as I drove into a checkpoint.

There was nothing to pretend to make a turn or a stop so...I was pretty screwed...

I tried to buy my way out and it looked promising but if you set up a checkpoint you need to catch some flies and lucky me was a fly this evening.

At the police station they wanted me to sign kind of a confession. As everything was written in Thai I refused to sign it as I had no idea what was written on there.

The police did not like that...

I was put in jail and luckily my girlfriend has some good contact who have even better ones who could help me out.

Being in jail sucks...there is nothing. A smelly toilet and a floor.

I was going to kind of a mix of emotions with laughing, being mad and scared of the uncertainity what will happen.

In a weired way I am kind of happy that it happen though as it was a totally new experince, not one I want to have again but I got it under my belt.

As mentioned today was court and I had to pay 4500 Baht. I was passing a way bigger holding cell and I think this would be even way more miserable as there were some of the big boys sitting. I had 2 Thai cellmates who were very friendly and I came by a bit earlier today to give them some water and food as you dont get much from the police....and with not much I mean nothing.

I am still a bit binged up as I wanted to appear cool and detached but as mentioned even this day behind bars was a roller coaster of feelings.

As I can kind of laugh already about it I think it will make a fun travle story in the future and as I usually dont have new ideas to write about I might reference it a bit more or go into more details but much more I dont want to share for now...also there is not much more to share.

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