Why we skipped NewYear in Hong Kong

Originallly the plan was to make our one month journey to New Zealand and then at the end have a short stop over in Hong Kong to celebrate New Year.

When we arrived from our 11hour flight in Hong Kong from Auckland on the 31st of December it was around 3 local time. We had never been to the city and I had my big backpack and hand luggage and @yogacoach had her suitcase. Then it was a matter of finding out where to go. I had the address of the hotel that I had booked on Hong Kong Island.

We got off the plane, slowly made our way through security and then came outside. Finding the train was not that hard, so I bought tickets and then we boarded. The hard part was getting of the train and into the right subway.

We must have looked like village bumpkins coming to the big city for the first time and to make it worse everything was flashing neon and smelled like fatty roast meat. To be honest, it was quite bewildering after a whole month practically spent with just the 2 of us and then landing in a city of millions. We had to drag our luggage around through these sidewalks with thousands of people and every street looks like more of the same. So we walked in circles for a few times and in the end arrived tired and bewildered in our hotel.
To put it visually, we went from a month long trip in picture one to the urban jungle on picture two



I had taken a 4 star just to be on the safe side (I thought I had booked a 5 star but even got that wrong) By that time it must have been around 18 or 19h. We had a few hours to kill before new year evening and also did not really have any idea where to go. we wondered around in the streets around the hotel and got some food in a local restaurant and then at 21h we could not take it anymore. All the loud people walking around only looking at their phone shouting at eachother. It was all to much, we just looked at one another and nodded.
This was to much. we did not need those fireworks and this big city



We went back to the hotel and just went to bed at 22h (take into account that it was 3am for us on New Zealand time)

That is how we skipped New Year in hong kong just cuddled up in bed, exhausted.

this is what we missed and I was a bit miffed about that but in hindsight it was not a huge loss seeing that we had an amazing day on the 1st of jan 2018.

We started the year right, we started it together


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