The Misty Amandiwin Mountains In The Heart Of The Leyte Philippines

The Early Morning Mist Covers The Jungle In The Amandiwin Mountains

Deep in the Amandiwin Mountain Range you will find a misty land that is fertile and abundantly rich in natural resources. These beautiful mountains are home to world renown lakes and unsurpassed beauty. As you hike into this spectacular mountain range you will discover rice paddies that seem to almost stand alone and large plantations of vegetables. Here and there you will discover houses built on stilts and families untouched by the modern world. As you travel deeper into the Amandiwin Mountains, you will find that life has not changed much, here in this mountain jungle. 

The Layers Of The Jungle Canopy Are Thick And Mysterious

The jungle, with it's thick mosses and layers of canopy captivate the imagination. This is the drama of nature sequestered in the remote mountains deep in the jungle. Very few adventure travelers come this far into this spectacular mountain jungle, but for those who do, there are deep mysteries to discover and a way of life that has remained unchanged through the years. 

If you want to discover nature at it's finest, then these mountain treks will provide a whole new level of adventure.  Here, only a few hours from the cities of the Leyte, you will discover a whole different life. Why not take a few hours and explore the Amandiwin Mountains, with it's thick jungles, and natural dramas? A whole new level of adventure is waiting in the heart of the Leyte Philippines. 

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