The Flowers And Canals Of Holland

The Color Of Spring And The Many Flowers Growing Along The Canals Of Holland

It is time for a Holland adventure. Most Holland adventures begin and end on one of the major canals. This is a quaint country where major cities are often built around canals. Amsterdam, one of the largest cities, is built on a series of canals where all along the water are beautiful city landscapes, with both traditional and modern buildings. Amsterdam has always been a favorite for painters and many paintings have been done of this amazing city of canals. One of the most famous painters, Claude Monet, painted South Church 13 times while on different vacations.  

Amsterdam is the capital of The Netherlands or Holland, which has over 62 miles of beautiful canals. There are 165 canals in Amsterdam, 90 islands, and 1,281 bridges throughout the city. A section of the city called, Canal Ring, has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage list since 2010. 

Along the canals of the city are the tilted houses, that are called "Dancing Houses." Because of the swampy ground, they are built on stilts. Over the years, this has caused them to sink into the river, so they are now a little uneven. These magnificent homes were built by the rich merchants and bankers. As was the custom at the time, the bottom floor was a work space, and the living quarters were above. 

One of the most exciting things each spring is the many flowers that bloom along the canals throughout the city.  When you see the canals full of color, you know that spring has arrived. Tulips and Daffodils are two of the most often seen spring bulbs along the canals of the city. 

Also lining the edges of the canals are over 2500 houseboats that have been floating on the canals for more than a hundred years. A few are made of wood, but they require more maintenance, as they must be repainted every 3 years. The most popular are made of concrete. These, for the most part, are houses, but there are a few hotels and even a museum. In the spring, you can enjoy the floating bulb gardens that often accompany the homes. 

The other major use of the canals is transportation and the moving of goods in and out of the city. The canals provide personal transportation, as well as many different tour boats use them daily. If you desire a complete tour of this mega city, there are many tour boats waiting to accommodate. 

There is never a bad time to visit Holland. The fall and winter months are filled with festivals and are exciting times to visit. No matter when you arrive, there is plenty of excitement for those desiring adventure. 

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