The Durian Obsession Throughout All Of Asia

The King Of The Fruits In The Philippines

The Durian Fruit is known as the King of the Fruits throughout all of Asia. Alternative Practitioners use it for many major illnesses.  All of Asia hails its marvelous healing benefits. The Durian has more vitamins and minerals than any other fruit. It is several times healthier than even the humble avocado. One Durian fruit has all you need for the day. With all these benefits, then why doesn't everyone eat one a day? This amazing yummy and creamy fruit has only one problem. It stinks! 

Many people from China to Hong Kong and everywhere in between find that migraines, cognitive malfunctions, severe fatigue, and anxiety are a thing of the past with daily consumption of the Durian fruit. Among those who eat it regularly, there is almost no occurrence of either Dementia or Alzheimer's.  With a track record like that, why doesn't everyone try a little harder to get it past their nose?

Durian Fruit Being Sold In An Open Market In Hong Kong

Many doctors throughout China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, The Philippines, and India use this amazing fruit to control blood pressure, to maintain a healthy heart, for the prevention of Osteoporosis, Asthma, macular degeneration, and to aid in the fight against Cancer.  For this reason, it is seen in almost all of the open markets. 

Whatever the season, Durian is being grown somewhere and is readily available. Our team made a special effort to discover the true facts about this fruit. We each came to the conclusion, that it reminded us of custard.  It was really mind over matter, or should we say, mind over the nose. Get it past the nose and it is a yummy addition to the morning fruit platter. 

So while traveling throughout the Philippines, Taiwan, or other Asian countries, why not discover for yourself this awesome King of the Fruits.....the humble Durian? 

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