#Travel diary 12- Welcome to white paradise of Turkey: Pamukkale & Hierapolis Ancient City

hi Steemit family,

After a long break, I turned back with a new travel history..

There is no one who does not hear about Pamukkale Travertines.. Pamukkale hosts a natural beauty that is astonishing. The magnificent white travertines formed by the waters containing calcium oxide from the southern skirts of Çal Mountain and the remnants of the Late Hellenistic and early Christian periods are one of the most striking centers of the ancient times. 2 km away from Denizli, this area is also famous for its healing waters, which are believed to be good for a wide variety of ailments. Whenever I visit this place, I feel the same amaze inside me.. So I would like you to meet with this beauty as well.

So let us start first with how this beauty occurred. Travertines are formed by precipitation of various chemical reactions. It's kind of a rock. In the area of ​​travertine in Pamukkale region, there are 17 hot water sources with temperature ranging from 35 to 100 degrees. This thermal water comes out of the source of travertine and then begins to precipitate in the layers of travertine.

It is around 35 degrees when leaving the thermal water source. There is plenty of Calcium Hydrocarbonate in the water. Carbon dioxide and Carbon Monoxide fly when it comes into contact with oxygen. Calcium Carbonate mold is starting to precipitate. In fact, it is first formed as a gel. It hardens in time and enters the rock form.

Pamukkale took its place in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1988. However, this place must be preserved very well due to its texture. The deterioration of the structure of the travertines has begun to be observed due to the way the tourists are walking on travertines. That is why every year, only a portion of the travertine urges tourists to visit.

In addition, the visiting hours of travertines vary in summer and winter. The winter season covers the time of October 3 to April 14. If you arrive during these months, you can visit between 08:00 and 17:00. The summer season covers April 15 - October 2. In these periods, the opening is at 08:00. Evening closing is more late than winter. Pamukkale Travertines open until 21:00 in the summer. I have to remind that the entrance fee is 35 TL.

When you go up, a historical beauty welcomes you.. The ancient city Hierapolis of BC. II. century is believed to have been founded by Eumenes II of Pergamon kings and named after Heira, the wife of Pergamum's founder Telephos. According to ancient sources, the city, famous for its metal and stone processing and woven fabrics, was the capital of the Phrygian region during the reign of Constantine the Great. It was the episcopacy center during the Byzantine period. With these features, the area is located on the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The important building in the Ancient City of Hierapolis is the Hierapolis Ancient Theater. The construction of the theater, which started in 62 AD after the big earthquake in 60 AD, was completed in 206 AD.

There are sculptures in the Hierapolis Antique Theater that reflect the aesthetics of the period. Most of the scene of the ancient theater of the city is still standing. The relief friezes on and around the theater stage include the depiction of many mythological events, from the birth of Apollo and Artemis to the battles between gods and giants.

Hierapolis Byzantine Church built on Hierapolis Street. It stands quite majestic. The church, whose first construction dates back to the 5th and 6th centuries AD, has been used until the 10th century with various arrangements.

This is the bath of the city. Hierapolis people used to give a big importance to hygiene. It was a must for all visiters who come to the city to use these bathrooms.

There were very huge tombs in the city.. It is simply understood how much importance they gave to graves..

I hope you enjoy my trip.. I appreciate your support.. Have a great day..

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