Community association of motorcycles


Salam steemit,ini adalah perkumpulan kami dari Komunitas Motor.
Disini kami berdiri sejak 03 september 2016 ,dan kami banyak melakukan aktivitas/kegiatan,dan kami sering berpergian yang jauh dari kota ke kota lainnya,
kami pun banyak mendapat pengalaman dan wawasan.
di komunitas motor kami ada beberapa peraturan harus wajib di jalani
1.Disaat perjalanan kami harus wajib memakai pengaman kepala dan pakaian dll
2.Dan harus mempunyai izin pengendara


Regards steemit, this is our association of Motor Community.
Here we stood since September 03, 2016, and we do a lot of activities / activities, and we often travel far from city to city,
We got lots of experience and insight.
In our motor community there are some rules must be mandatory in live
1.At the time of our trip must be obliged to wear safety head and clothes etc ..
2.Dan must have the driver's license

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