Traveling Wales : Flint Court House from 1595 to 2018

This photo of Caffi'r Hen Lys I The Old Court House Cafe is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Traveling Wales we had a visit to Flint, mainly to look around the Castle. But we also visited the Old Court House which today is a very nice cafe.

The court house was built in 1595. The court was held four times a year and was known as the quarter sessions. Mainly for minor offences such as poaching, theft vagrancy. The thefts were mainly food or clothing.


They also held court for witchcraft. These court sessions were known as the Great Sessions. In 1594 Gwen Ellis was held in Flint Gaol for four months while the court house was built. She was found guilty and hung in Denbigh Town Square.
The Court Sessions were held there for 200 years before the Court house was used as a malt house. They also baked bread at the rear of the building.

In the 1880's the building had another face lift and was used as a Public Supply Store. The stairs in the building are said to have come from the SS Great Western. Other parts of the ship were sold. It is said that Liverpool FC bought the mast of the ship and is now used as a flag pole at the Anfield football ground.

From 1950 to 1980's the building was used as "technology shop" selling the latest TV's radiograms and record players.

When the shop closed it was left in a poor state of repair and the Flintshire County Council restore it to today's building which is now run as a Cafe.


Flint Castle is where Richard II was deposed in the Peasants Revolt

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