Mismatched Travel Diaries - Bavaria - Hiking Konigsee - Part 3: A Boat, On Water, In Rain.

On our hike back from the Röthbach waterfall, our small group of four were becoming more wary of the weather encroaching. Though we weren't too worried about the actual effects of being rained on as we had our wet weather gear all ready to go. There is a feeling when a big storm is coming that makes you constantly look to the sky in anticipation. It makes every plane sound like thunder rumbling in the distance, and the effect is multiplied when you are in a huge valley, dwarfed by rock-faces on either side of a mountain lake.


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The odd thing was, while we were wary of an encroaching storm, and a rather obvious one at that; we passed group after group of tourists and locals heading toward the waterfall, seemingly dressed more for a fashion shoot than a hike to a waterfall in a thunderstorm. Our favourite was a couple we dubbed 'typically Munich' as they strolled casually past us in their designer clothes... and shoes (it was already exceptionally muddy), while they boyfriend with over-gelled hair carried his girlfriends Prada bag. I didn't notice most of the clothes they wore, but my girlfriend pointed out that the bag alone was over a thousand euros, not to mention her clothes. I am not so fashion oriented so I tuned out rather quickly, opting to listen to the wind instead.


It was steadily getting darker as well, and the rain occasionally spat upon us as if to arrogantly shuffle us further along our journey. Yet still we passed groups of people. Now I'll add the kicker... the last boat left in under 45 minutes, a trip we had timed our hike to, give or take ten minutes. Now if these guys ran the distance to the small hut, then the waterfall, and back, they would miss the boat easily by half an hour... but none seemed worried so we stopped giving out warnings after the second group.


Especially when bad weather is coming, the mountains become a bit scarier, revealing themselves for what they truly are... dangerous... unruly. The wind blows a little colder off the latent snow from winter, while the characteristic smell of oncoming rain hits your nose. Add in some bare, dead trees and the scene becomes ever so slightly bleaker. The girls opt for some warmer clothes, while the guys, we opt to power on, knowing in 5 minutes we will be sweating regardless of the weather.


But even though the rains are comin', we still find some time to skip some rocks and take photos... the rock skipping was probably more a result of my constant veering off the track to take photos whenever I thought something was worth photographing.

If you look closely, the rock is visible in all 3 of these shots.


"Ah, the perfect skimming rock." - Garfield.


But soon enough I am worn out, it is too dark to take photos, and we also have to pick up the pace. So we pass the second half of the top lake, down along the wide, flat walk to the dock where there is a boat impatiently waiting. Well atleast it seemed that way from a distance, as we walk though a wall of cigarette smoke billowing out of the lungs of the friendly captains, comfortable waiting for the last of the tourists... well, as many as would make it back in time.


So we sit down and get our breath back. I rearange my bag, and look up as I hear the collective slamming of twenty windows shutting. The wall of water approaches us, and passes us in an instant. Out on Konigssee, there is no wind, but the rain is absolutely pouring down.

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The boat holds 70 people, and all are silent. We collectively stare out over the surprisingly still lake as other boats do the same.


Many passengers fall asleep during the hypnotic drumming of the rain on the boat roof, but I find heavy rain energizing, and cannot stop staring out the window.


The rain continues falling, and I continue staring. I love being out on the water when it is pouring rain.


Until The Next Storm,


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This is the follow on from my recent hiking trip in Koniggsee, Bavaria, Germany. Find the previous parts below!

Mismatched Travel Diaries - Bavaria - Hiking Konigsee - Part 2: Germany's Highest Waterfall.
Mismatched Travel Diaries - Bavaria - Hiking Konigsee - Part 1: Das Boot.

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