Hey fellow Travelers of the Universe!

I'm Eileen - an American expat based currently in London, UK.

Also currently I drink a shedload of wine and fall down a lot in yoga class.

My full-time gig is a lucky one; I'm able to wander the world as a freelance travel writer, sharing my stories of being a total hot mess. Losing passports, getting injured, embarrassing myself in front of world cultures, the usual.

Two years ago I decided to have my first panic attack before boarding a flight too. That reeeally did not help my cause or career. It's not even been close to easy, but I work on calming the #@%$& down every day and and happy to report the attacks are gone for now. What's replaced them is a new lease on life.

With it all though I've gained a deep understanding and excitement about the world around me. Keep you ears open and your eyes wide, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Come chat with me about your own adventures, the world today, how to try to stay alive a bit longer (wellness right?) and maybe we can even trade some snobby yoga jargon and sit around smugly drinking green tea.

Have a cuppa, stay a while - glad to have you here with me!

Tomorrow I'm off to Thailand, which will be the perfect opportunity to share the real-time antics of a two-week trip. I aim to inspire everyone to work some travel into their lives - whether it's to Thailand or exploring their own hometown. Changing up your environment and interacting with human different than you can drastically alter your life for the better. Let do this!

To adventure and all things awesome,


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