Les Lençois Maranhenses (Brasil) - An inspiration for my career

8 years ago, I had the chance to visit an incredible country: Brasil. I was travelling all around the country with my friend Francesc, and after enjoying the beauty and the peace of The Amazonia and other incredible Brazilian places, we got to the Lençois Maranhenses National Park, and we both felt in love with this magical and unique place.

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The region is subject to a regular rain season during the beginning of the year. The rains cause a peculiar phenomenon: fresh water collects in the valleys between sand dunes and is prevented from percolating down by a layer of impermeable rock which lies underneath the sand. The resulting blue, green and black "lagoons" are surrounded by the desert-like sand.

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We went one day just to have a view of the park, but we loved it so much that we decided to hire a guide to go on a trail for a couple of days. We walked for 6-8 hours everyday and we slept in tends in the desert in a full moon night.

The trip was incredible. Getting to dive and swim in the lagoons, walking for hours on the sand barefoot under the sun. But the real inspiration came to me by observing the power of the nature, and the metaphor of this lagoons in such a desert. I felt them as oasis, as if they were those opportunities that life brings us and that help us keep on moving.

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But on the other hand, there were these huge birds, that attacked us in specific areas of the trail (probably because they were protecting their newborns that we couldn't see). But for me, those birds were the dangers, the problems or the people that always try to stop us from advancing. Besides the mosquitos bites…

So, the lagoons, they became our motivation to keep on walking and to keep on discovering, eventhough we knew we were going to find some dangers during the journey (represented by this agressive and huge birds).

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I wanted to keep on advancing in my life finding Lagoons like the ones we found in the Lençois Maranhenses. I needed challenges and projects to kept me going and advancing. I felt so alive and inspired by that landscape and the experience itself, that, among other reasons, I decided to move to Hollywood trying to find more lagoons in my new path, that will motivate me and encourage me to keep on pursuing my dreams.

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Spanish Version

Hace 8 años pude visitar uno de los lugares más espectaculares del Planeta: Los Lençois Maranhenses (Brasil). Y éstos se convirtieron en una fuente de inspiración para mi vida.

Se trata de un desierto con dunas de arena, y lagunas cristalinas entre ellas, provocadas por las fuertes lluvias. Cuando las visité con mi amigo Francesc y decidimos hacer una ruta de dos días atravesando dunas y lagunas, caminando bajo el sol y andando sólo con calcetines y acompañados de un guía, nos parecío espectacular.

Para mí ese espectáculo fue una inspiración. Era una metáfora de la vida. Las lagunas acules y cristalinas, eran como oasis, como motivaciones para seguir andando y seguir avanzando en la vida. Pero en el camino fuimos atacados varias veces por pájaros de gran tamaño, imaginamos que estaban protegiendo a sus crías que nunca vimos, y éstos representaron para mí los peligros, los problemas o auqellas personas que nos dicen que no.

Así que motivado por tal experiencia, y otros elementos, decidí avanzar con mi vida, dejé Barcelona y me mudé a Hollywood a seguir buscando más lagunas que me inspiraran, sabiendo que encontratía muchos pájaros por el camino, y no pude estar más acertado.

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