If You Don't Like The Weather In The Western Cape Then Wait 5 Minutes..

Rain.. Rain Everywhere..

The day started off as usual, I phoned contractors and arranged to meet them on their respective sites. At first glance it looked like it would be a normal warm summer day, nothing out of the ordinary. But, that is where I made my first mistake, this is the Western Cape, the weather can change at the drop of a hat. My first site was a civil site where they are repairing and upgrading parts of the road, so off I went to go and ruin some poor contractor's day.

When I arrived on site everything still looked fine. There was a bit of cloud cover but nothing that would really worry me, we are in a drought after all.. First I started with the administration part of the audit and while we were busy in the container we hear some light rain but thought nothing of it.

Half an hour later we got in my car and sped off to inspect the physical works on site. We did not even get to the site before it started raining. It was not normal rain, it was bucketing and soon afterwards it started hailing marble sized hail. It got so bad that we had to seek refuge under some trees at one of the rest stops:

After about 15 minutes the hail subsided for the most part and we decided to make a run for it! Driving back to the site camp the hail started pelting the car again, every time I cringed as I heard the thump of a piece of frozen water. Cars were pulling off of the road everywhere, apparently we were one of the few fools crazy enough to drive. We barely had 100m visibility ahead of us, luckily there was a truck to follow:

Then All Of A Sudden No More Rain..

After surviving the flash flood (it washed away a big part of the work they had done for the last few days) I headed to my next site, en route the clouds started clearing up and I could see some sun coming through:

My next stop was in the middle of nowhere as usual. Nothing but a road and a few fences to remind us there is civilization somewhere out there:

On my way back home I made a quick stop at a small Farmstall just outside Robertson called Affie Plaas (translated to off the farm), here they have a wide range of local food and some imported foodstuffs:

It also serves as a nice picnic spot:

It has an interesting selection of wines, spirits, ciders, craft beers etc. I bought myself a few craft beers, some lunch and off I went back home.

There are so many hidden gems in the Western Cape, I hope I can share them all with you. I will keep on posting about my day to day travels through our awesome province.

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