Drinking My Way Through Thailand

If you've been to Thailand you'll know how ridiculously hot and humid it can be and that will eventually lead to an insatiable thirst that simply doesn't get satisfied very easily. Luckily for thirsty and weary travellers, there are a whole host of drinks to try both non-alcoholic and alcoholic to keep you hydrated and refreshed.

I'm a beer drinker so it's what I opted for most of the time I needed a drink and I managed to try around 10 different beers or ciders and decided to put together this post on what I thought of them. Since not many of them are available in South Africa, it was my first time trying most of them.


Signa is a pale ale larger and is a light bodied beer with very low bitterness. It has a light malty but smooth aftertaste and if you've worked up a sweat for the day you can easily go through 2 or 3 of them without even noticing they go down that well.


Singa Light

This one was a bit of a disappointment, grainy and light and didn't offer much in terms of flavour, as close to tasting like nothing that's not nothing lol. IT does have a slightly sweet aftertaste especially if you take longer to finish it and it begins to warm up. Low carb, low calories and low taste I suppose



A Thailand staple you cannot have drank beer in the country and not had a Chang, it is without a doubt the most popular and most widely marketed brand. It has a pale yellow pour with just a hint of foam and the body is light with a moderate fizz and it has a really clean finish. It has a lingering of sweetness and but is a taste meant for generic consumption and yes we consumed quite a during our stay.


Red Horse

The first impression of Red Horse is its clear and golden pour with a thin white head, it doesn't offer much in terms of bitterness or combination but has some strong flavours on the pallet. This beer goes down easily and is great if you plan on getting drunk quickly and intend on having a night out on the town.



Pour is a clear light yellow and looks a bit like piss if im honest but you should get the aroma of malt and hops unless you're already off your face, well then just down it and get on with it. It offers no real competition in terms of taste when compared to other larger so don't expect a bitter mans drink, it does have a slightly sweet taste to the palet.



The beer is hella golden, looks like liquid gold and it has a decent carbonation with significant foam. A properly chilled one will give you a flat grainy taste and finishes off with dry flavourless notes but a crisp drink none the less. Would definately smash out a few of these by the pool after a long day of exploring the city.



Unfortunately, this was one of the more forgettable beers you'll come across and won't order a second very easily. Archa lacks any real flavour and is almost cardboard to the taste and I say this even with a kings thirst you will battle to get it down. The beer has a slightly yeasty aroma and the finish is short with hints of malt.


Ploy Siam

I don't know whose brainchild this beer was but its the vilest looking and tasting thing I've experienced, as much as I love my trips to Family Mart this one left me with a sour taste in my mouth. The pour is a clear semen like liquid and smells of stale white wine, it has a bit of a sweet fruity tone with a flat carbonation which i think the more carbinated the better it would have been.

I really can't understand why this thing is still on store shelves, probably because its what people are used to there and theres some weird artificial demand for it, if anything came in to compete in its field of ciders it would be obliterated instantanously.

I couldn't even finish this horrid drink and poured it out and moved on with my life.


San Mig Light

This Philipino light amber looking liquid packs a light bodied soft carbonated drink with a slightly bitter finish. Offers you some great aromas but as a light beer its never going to fulfil that promise. Never the less its a enjoyable beer for those hot evenings by the pool to relax and just reflect on everything you did, saw, smelt and experienced over the last 24 hours lol an ideal reflective drink!



Another horrid experience from this northeastern Thailand beer and it should stay there and never leave that place. Another clear white dishwashing foam style liquid that reaks of old white wine and tastes like a diluted version of its actual self, I simply couldn't get myself to enjoy this in the slightest. Poured the rest out and washed my mouth out with some Chang.

Perhaps its my Western palet but this subset style of fermented beverages was not for more.


Have your say

Have you tried any of these beers/ciders? Which one is your favourite? Are there any of others i missed out on that I should try? Let me know in the comments :)

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