Travel #2 Meet Monkeys in The Hell / 旅行# 2在地狱遇见猴子

Hi Steemit Friends

I am a person who dislike shopping much. So what can you do beside shopping in Japan?
The answer is exploring places such as the Hell Park where you can see the Snow Monkeys in the forest.

我從來都不是一個愛 購物的人,但去到日本你可以做什麼?
答案就是 找一些你從來未去過/ 難忘的地方的地方. 例如是 可以見到猴子的地獄

OFF TOPIC : My very first time to skiing. We Joined the local private training class. Skiing is never an easy task to me. It happened some little incidents ,but , luckily, we didn't kill ourselves XDDD.

題外話 : 這是我長大以來首次滑雪. 參加了當地的私人訓練班, 滑雪對我不是一個容易的任務, 雖然中間發生了小小事情, 但是幸運地我們最終沒有受傷 XDD

Joshinetsu Kogen National Park

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This park is in Yamanouchi, Shimotakai District, Nagano. The name Jigokudani, meaning "Hell's Valley", is due to the steam and boiling water that bubbles out of small crevices in the frozen ground. This valley is only accessible via a narrow two kilometre footpath through the forest due to heavy snowfalls each year in the winter.

In January, snowfalls are normally very bad. The original plan to see Snow Mountain in the other city was shut down due to heavy snowfalls. Yet going to see monkey in the valley could be a fun. I was not regret at all after the whole trip.
To get there, you have to take speed train from Nagano station and change bus to entrance of the park.

這公園位於,山之内町, 長野市. 公園名字叫地狱谷野猿公苑, 意思是地獄, 名字源於從冰冷的地上散發出蒸氣和熱水. 由於每年的大風雪,這個公園只能靠走兩公里的路經過森林才可以進入.

一月初旬, 風雪非常的嚴苛, 原計劃去另一個城市的去雪山, 由於大風雪整個雪山東關閉,迫不得 我們要取消整個行程. 但是你總想不到地獄猴子是個有趣的經歷. 你絕不會後悔整個旅程. 那要怎樣去? 你需要 踏上高速列車到長野站再轉乘巴士到達公園的入口.


Although it was2 hours in the train, consequently we had not missed snow view outside the speed train. Surprisedly , we met some Train enthusiasts who ride the train and record all the day to see the trains.

雖然需要兩個鐘的車程, 但我們絕不錯失外面美麗白雪風景. 甚至見到 傳說中的電車男. 踏上列車的他們激動又活躍的神態們. 你真的感受到那種熱情.

And you could not imagine that the train driver sang to passengers XD . We know nothing japanese , but we can tell it is a traditional japanese song . What a great experience for us ! :)

Check out the video. He is not bad lol

更意想不到的, 就是列車上的司機會對著你唱出山之内町的歌. 對毫不認識日文的我們來說, 是種對外來者的歡迎.

以下是他唱歌的視頻. 他唱得不錯:)


Then we walk 2 km footpath through the snow covered forest. Snows on the floor were wet and slippery. One step wrong you might fall from the mountain. It was not a easy path for a Hong Kong ppl who lives a city never snow.

走過了兩公里鋪滿黃白泥雪, 一不小心, 甚至會跌落山崖(旁邊是沒有扶手/ 欄桿) 可謂一步一驚心. 對於從不下雪的香港來的我, 要走過雪路絕不簡單.


In Japan, if you acknowledge, Onsen is a typical activities during the year, which is a Japanese hot spring and the bathing facilities and inns frequently situated around them. What can be better than laying on outdoor bath in the forest ? I would pay any price to stay in Onsen at that moment.

在日本,(如果你知道)泡溫泉是一個非常流行的活動特別在冬天的時間. 溫泉旅舍就是 一個可以供你泡溫泉和住宿的地方. 通常他們都會建於火山的附近. 有火山就會有溫泉. 我想現在應該沒有比露天浸浴更好的時刻. 當時,穿著雪褸的我巴不得要淘出所有錢也要浸浴.


So Here we go to the Hell Park.
You might think we are going to see




(Sorry thats King Kong :P)

The Truth is .....





These are wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), more commonly referred to as snow monkeys, that go to the valley during the winter, foraging elsewhere in the national park during the warmer months. The monkeys descend from the steep cliffs and forest to sit in the warm waters of the onsen (hotsprings), and return to the security of the forests in the evenings.

They are cuteeeeeeee :) LOVE YOU macaques.

@ Mother macaques & Little macaques

他們是野生的日本獼猴(Macaca fuscata),更通常被稱為雪猴,冬天去谷,在溫暖的月份在國家公園的其他地方覓食。 猴子從陡峭的懸崖和森林下降,坐在溫暖的溫泉水域(hotsprings),晚上回到森林的安全地帶。

太可愛了吧!怎麼都不覺得 他們能配上地獄猴子的惡名



CHECK out the macaques family.


The red face of the macaque gains the name of Hell monkey. You would be surprise that they are very friendly. They do not attack people. They seem to be educated well. Or maybe they got paid for being there?

泡浴獼猴出 是現的紅臉, 是他們贏得地獄猴的名字。 你會的驚訝是他們是非常友善,不攻擊人. 感覺上他們似乎受過良好的訓練。 其實他們是不是在這裏打工的?

Filmed this in an occasion which made our days :)

愉快的一天 附送上一個搞笑的片段


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