Beautiful trip to Guizhou (three)- Moved by Yaozhai 醉美贵州行(三)感动的瑶寨!

When we went back from Libo Small seven hole view , we lived in the garden of Les Lavandes Hotel. The scenery is lovely and pleasant! It is the flowers sea !



The second days , we went out of the hotel and went to the village of Dayaoshan Yao village directly . This is a very primitive ancient village of Yao nationality. Walking in the ancient Yao village, as if approaching the millennium of historical vicissitudes, and feel the mysterious tribal endless life extension.

Yaozhai La Pian Village

Here lives in the white pants Yao, also known as two pieces yao. The white pants Yao has a long history of long deep in the mountain forests, still retains the hunting and fishing and the ancient nation slash-and-burn cultivation mode.

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The bronze drum of white pants Yao's advocating!


Ancient granary in a village

The Yao people are very intelligent , and you can feel their talents only from the granary they built. The ceramic pot between the barn and the pillar is against mice, so that the wisdom of the Yao people can be seen. Built from the granary of the position, and management style, village order is the best I have seen, without resistance, are placed on the outside of the village. You needn’t care about they were stolen .

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Yao Palace

Yao palace is once the highest authority in the stockade, but today it is only a symbol. Although Yao still has now, he is also self reliant, self-sufficient in food and clothing, and labor. But he is still the most authoritative embodiment of the stockade, still sought after by the Yao people.


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When guests come, they lined up and showed their hospitality with a small bamboo wine, represented a full of passion.

The White Pants Yao exquisite silk, unique costumes, beautiful songs, wild dance, ancient legends and unique customs, are still left a matriarchal society to patriarchal society during the transitional period of social cultural information.

Yao culture exhibition hall

Shows the history of Yao people's developmen


The bronze drum dance of the Yao people outside the hall is very shocking!

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Look! Let’s have a try dance to the drum music !


In Bai Ku Yao's marriage custom and the ordinary family life, always is monogamy. Unless it is married or widowed heavy natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, will remarry. Some people have this feeling to praise, this is the world a piece of love of the holy land, here you can’t see jealousy, not abandon marriage divorce, not abuse and forced marriage.

There is only the world wonderful love, pure love and noble marriage. Isn't it a desirable place to live in a world of turmoil and complexity? It is no wonder that there has been a UNESCO recognized a national culture as the best preserved, known as the "living fossil of human civilization". Because the White Pants Yao has worshipped the sun god, believed in the hundred deities, and was called the eastern Indian by the outside world.

Walled out of the ancient , looking back into the village, I deeply moved by this ancient village . Bless the people of Yao who live in this magical land, while keeping their original features and living better and better!

Today my sharing will stop here , I hope you like it, please continue to support me, your support is my power to continue writing. Thank you!



这里住着白裤瑶 也叫两片瑶。 白裤瑶是一个历史悠久的长期深居高山密林,至今仍保留着狩猎、捕鱼和过着刀耕火种方式的古老民族。


瑶族群众是一支很有智慧的中华一族,仅从所建的粮仓,就能感到他们的聪明才智。粮仓和柱子之间的陶瓷罐 是防老鼠的, 可见瑶族的智慧。 从粮仓所建的位置,以及管理方式看,瑶寨的治安是我见到的最好的,无须设防,皆放置在村外




厅外瑶族同胞的铜鼓舞, 非常令人震撼!

瞧! 我们也随着鼓声试试!


走出古寨,回头遥望, 我深深的为这个古老的村落祝福,祝福在这片神奇的圣土生活的瑶族同胞们,保持原有特色的同时,生活越来越好!


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