Batee iliek tempat wisata d Aceh Pidie jaya

For those of you who have visited Aceh, have you heard about Batee Iliek? If it's not time for you to visit there, because this place is rising. It's a shame to just skip it.
Batee Iliek, as an Acehnese would have known this name. Although many do not know where and what this tourist place is, the name is quite popular among the Acehnese people. Not only in the north and east, even to Aceh Besar, Central, West and South.
This place is popular because of the musical drama and the Acehnese comedian who often names Batee Iliek in the dialogue. "Eumphang Breueuh" is one drama series that makes many people know and familiar with this name. So did I feel, until one day I had the opportunity to come to him.
Because the name Batee Iliek is so popular, every day there are always visitors who come. These attractions are indeed loved by many people, especially young people, but not infrequently parents also make Batee Iliek as a place of recreation with family.
The opportunity to visit him came when the Syiah Kuala University KKN activities were taking place. Thousands of students were placed in Pidie Jaya. When there was no KKN program, at that time many students who were looking for a 30-day dump in the village were placed.
Batee Iliek is located not far from the welcome gate in Bireun Regency. The regency which is directly adjacent to Pidie Jaya is famous for its abundant milkfish, so it's not surprising that every party with milkfish dishes is always easy to find.
The Batee Iliek tourist area can be seen directly from the national road, because its position is indeed on the Banda Aceh - Medan crossing, precisely in Samalanga District. Easy access makes it a place frequented by people who are hungry for entertainment.
After visiting him, it turned out that Batee Iliek was a river that was filled with lots of large boulders, this was the attraction. A little downstream of the rocks is less than in the upstream. When visiting it, there were many visitors there, both local and foreign tourists.

At this point, please choose where you think is suitable. In the Batee Iliek area, there are stalls and huts for visitors. all the view facing the river. Its position is right on the riverbank.

Every time on the river that empties into the Malacca Strait there are always people who bathe and bathe, because indeed the water conditions are very clear and cool. Batee Iliek is very suitable to be visited when the weather is hot. On a normal day, this one tourist attraction is always visited by visitors, especially on Sundays, holidays or holidays, visitors will boom.
When I got the opportunity, I was invited by Iskandar, a gampong (village) youth. We chose to go down the river to a considerable extent upstream. He said upstream the scenery would be more interesting, but for access it was more difficult. It turned out that it was true, here a large boulder stood up and filled the whole stream.
Natural sensation is certainly offered at Batee Iliek. While enjoying Acehnese noodles, for example, visitors will be accompanied by the splashing of water passing through a rock gap. So if you go to Pidie Jaya or Bireuen, Batee Iliek is a place that you must visit in Aceh.

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