Eyes of India from India.

India land of snake charmers as britishers who drained the 'golden bird' from its economic virtues described it in history. The name tag has been stayed affixed with INDIA till date, where some naive minds will take it literally imagining poor people and overcrowded slums in this modern day and age too. Yes, some places have those problems but that is not all this land of gods have to offer. So, If you guys have less or no idea about the land for which during the late 16th and the 17th Centuries, the European trading companies competed with each other ferociously, I'm here to help you find out with the journey of my words.

There was a lot of bloodshed earlier for the land and trading roots in history of India anyways, individuals who sought power wanted to control the land because of its richness in natural resources, almost six different season and every possible terrain human beings can ask for like sea, deserts, vast fertile lands for agriculture and most of all a sect of people who were always eager to welcome and help outsiders, certainly which didn't proved to be any good for them in future.
but moving on.. the main motive for this post of mine is not to accurately describe various historical events happened to India as one can easily google it out, but to tell my own experience living and surviving here.

First of all Indians greet everyone NAMASTE, the word which directly comes from Sanskrit word NAMASTUTE meaning to bow down in humble respect and courtesy weather you are a king or a countryman. Japanese people still follows some their code of ethics till date as they where not polluted with foreign fundamentals which china basically tried to do it purposefully yet they remained still to their own core believes and logic.

On justification India is not that simple to categorize, as being the second largest population on planet and biggest democratic nation at present there are many minds with different language, cultures and beliefs staying relatively on top of each other in small piece of land.

When people from different country ask me why India have basically half of the whole world population? 'Are they savages and like to do it a lot' sarcastically. I tell them; 'may be' but I can't see any real reason behind that as one can do give birth to a lot of babies but the survival of a human being is only dependent on resources they can accumulate from a piece of land to support their growth. As, I told you guys above this land of ours have all the right conditions to support that cause.

People here may have different opinions about western culture but one can see now most of people know a lot about west here than about their own culture. I'm not saying that west is poison to east like China spreads its propaganda over the same but one should know their own history precisely before proclaiming expert or disregarding any other culture, because that is when one can bring harmony in those differences.

The biggest example of that is GOD itself, it may have different incarnations but at least the fear brings humanity on some level of same playing field, But that's pretty much fucked up issue to be clear. Hope one day people figure it out that it's just politics in the name of GOD.
This topics might be for some other day as I can elaborate a lot in my view of GOD.
But people in India are fond of GOD, they literally protect it or I would say from other Humans. They would just from up large numbers without a face and lynch people or even destroy other religious buildings in the name of their own personal GOD.
That's alright if it doesn't effects you directly but as a species I find it very humourous.

But sill there are many individuals in INDIA whom story of life are inspiring and liberating in a sense one can not explain.

I would recommend, one who aspire to come in this spiritual land to be ready for all extremes of emotions, if you want to travel here. Try to have a verified local guide if possible but if you are a free soul like me I would suggest you to visit Himachal Pradesh first after landing at Delhi Indra Gandhi Internation Airport (kasol, malana, parvati valley to name a few places to visit). As, of now it is not possible but soon when world gets stable, you can find me there too, for some obvious reasons (the best hash of Amsterdam cafes are imported from Malana). Marijuana is banned in INDIA under pressure of US in the name of war against drugs. So, I won't suggest to go out of there with stuff around different part, you can get in trouble.

Also, west perceive as most of the scammers are from India, that is also one perception, and on that I would say people here are hustlers and they hustle. If you are smart you will find your way around it. Just keep your eyes and ears opened. Now radicalization is also in extreme due to current government goals and vision but I believe the INDIA I grew up in will stay secular even if people try to harm it's basic idea. It might not solve it's long lasting cultural and historic problems overnight but millennials are showing promise with their intellect and protest against current right wing rule. I don't want my country to be the Germany of past.

INDIA In the end I would say; is a mystical land where Steve Jobs came to find himself, and I would say most of the world now know about the man and the legacy he left behind.

Everyone have their own journey it might not be as significant and fabulous as Steve but it is important. Look at the big picture.

Stay blessed Stay Woke.

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