A Chinese/Asian Girl's Thoughts on the United States of America 我对美国生活的感受


First of all, I will have to clarify that I spend most of my time living in New York in the United States of America, and for rest of my time, I travel everywhere in the state. Therefore, my experience will mostly be influenced by the culture of the NYC.


People here do not normally know much about China or Chinese people. But almost everybody likes the Americanized Chinese food here because it is delicious and cheap. Asian people are often taught to be humble and polite, whereas the people here are taught to be confident. Americanized people talk with louder and more enthusiastic voices, a lot of gestures, and more facial expressions. Americanized people are more likely to strike a conversation with you when you guys are in a line or say hello to you when you walk by each other on the street. In Asia, people might think you are crazy if you smile at or say hi to them on the street.


In China, people do not greet you with kisses on the cheek or hug you. They simply say hi to you or shake your hands. In a family, most of the Chinese people do not hug each other either. Take myself as an example, I do not hug or kiss my parents, and my parents do not kiss or hug each other either. Whoever holds their hands in public will be considered as a couple as well. In the U.S., it is completely different, family members say that they love each other very often, and they kiss and hug each other. They greet you with kisses or hugs or hand-shakings. They can hold hands, kiss, or do anything other things in public and still will not be considered as a couple. Lol.

In China, girls hold hands and are intimate with each other in public, but they are not considered as lesbians by doing those. While in the state, it is the opposite. Once I was hanging out with a tall Chinese girl who looked a tiny little bit manly and got asked by a shop assistant if we were a couple. I know, it was odd.

搞笑了,在中国大家见面基本say hi或者握手,在美国,有亲你脸的,有上来直接给你个熊抱的,当然也有和你握手的。在家里的话,很少有中国人和家人亲亲抱抱的,在美国,家里人会说啊我爱你,也会经常亲亲抱抱。在中国你看街上手牵手的基本上都是情侣,在美国你公众下亲亲抱抱也不一定是情侣。在中国,女孩子走路的挽着手腕,或者牵手,靠在一起呀等等,都很正常。在美国,no,no,no,你们俩直接会被认为是同性恋。哈哈哈这文化差异很有趣。

In China, guys tend to be very submissive to their girlfriends. They take care of and buy things for their girlfriends. For example, it is most of the time a guy pay the bill when a couple hangs out together. A couple will tell each other "I love you",
whereas it often takes a long long time for a western person to say it to their partner.

In China, a girl and a guy usually become a couple first, then do intimate things like holding hands, kissing, having sex, etc. In the U.S., two people can do every thing together and are still single.

Interestingly, I find it surprising when I know an American person's parents are not divorced and a Chinese person's parents are divorced.




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