2,5 Weeks on Bali - #1


Alright! I've finally pulled myself together. Time for some Bali pics!
Just like the Italy series I'm gonna cut our trip up into pieces. Approximately one day per post. Enjoy!

Bali meant my first long flight. I've flown to European destinations, I think three hours tops. And now I was gonna fly for 16 hours! Poeh. I was actually kind of curious what it would be like. Especially since it would also be the first time I'd experience jetlag. Let's see what all the fuss is about.
First we had an eleven hour flight to Hong-Kong, a three hour lay-over, and then a five hour flight to Denpasar.
In the end it wasn't that bad. I tried to trick myself into thinking I was in the new timezone as soon as we entered the plane. I was very tired by the time we got to Hong Kong, because I usually can't sleep on a plane. I felt like I ate a lot during the flights and I was tired when we arrived in Bali, but that was about it :)

Nice view from the plane:

I LOOOVE clouds so I have a lot more plane view pics, but I won't bore you guys with all those O:)

If you've been to Bali you know this sight:
Crazy! I needed some time to recuperate after that... I was pretty glad we didn't have to look for our names in that mess.

After arriving at Denpasar airport we took a cab to our first destination, a little above Kuta. Since we were tired and we heard Kuta was super busy we decided to rest and stay in. Not a punishment:

After relaxing for a bit (and stuffing our faces, since we're on vacation) we would continue our journey to Ubud the next day.

We choose a beautiful B&B a few kilometres outside of Ubud, in the rice paddies.


We took the shuttle service to Ubud to grab a bite to eat and walk around for a bit.

Wait! Are we in Rome? :P

Couldn't really figure out what the ducks are for, but it looks really cool. Unfortunately the picture isn't clear.

That was it for now. Stay tuned for more Balinese adventures!

Follow me @best-pomchi-ever

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