Life Lessons from My Savage Travels - Introduction and Episode 1: Bucharest, Romania.

Intro & Episode 1

Not too long ago...
I decided to quit a job that I could no longer tolerate.

I whipped out my credit card, and did the thing I had to do. Invest in a better future.

So the point of me travelling, isn't to be a tourist - but to gain as much experience so I can share my human downloads, software upgrades, and malware removals. As I learn, I share.

My style:
  1. I don't do touristy shit.
  2. I travel out of a sports bag.
3. I only wear solid colors (No intriquite patterns, no words). ![image](

Most countries I visit, the locals think I'm one of them.

In Peru, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary....

Everywhere I go...

I blend in unseemingly (especially with the gypsies on Romania) ;).

They start speaking in their native tongue.

I have very non-touristy experiences.

What you should **not** expect from travel adventures is:
  • Museums
  • Historical shit
  • 5-star resorts

What you **should** expect:
  • Savage
  • Authentic
  • Local
  • Real
  • Savvy
  • One-of-a-kind
  • Entertaining
  • Educational
  • Empowering


Ones that most people travelling (probably) wouldn't have...

So we'll begin with Romania - as it was EPIC.
# Bucharest, Romania

You are

imageA ritual the friends I made In Bucharest have is coming to the rooftop of their building with a cheap coffee and cigarettes every night... and sometimes with weed.

With all your little nuances. It's been a pleasure.

Here are few things I've learned about the situation in Romania:

  1. Around 50% of the population of Romania are Gypsies. They even have a hierarchy of poor gypsies who beg for money on the street and their gypsy "pimps" come and collect at the end of the day.

  2. There's a rampant industry of prostitution. Any girl who is physically attractive, has the opportunity to do it; they make around 100$ for 1 bung. After talking to a cab driver (who surprisingly didn't rip me off, as we negotiated before I got in the cab) he expressed to me that he was happy to pay for "quality" girls, and encouraged me to do the same.
    My take on this is that paying for pussy is not healthy because it can subconsciously teach you that pussy=dick+money, when naturally it should be dick=pussy (that's why it's a slippery slope, but if you're thirsty, desperate and you just must... then do as you please)

  3. The Head Patriarch of Romania decided to blow 100 million dollars (CAD) on ONE church. Yet there are sooo many potholes and cracks in the road (which the repairing of would create jobs) and having driven around with some locals I learned that the roads are SHIT.

  4. Rumour has it that the head Patriarch also drives a decked out CLS, with gold everythang to represent it's "holyness", but currently apparently he rolls around in this...

Holy Mobile

This car cost around 40,000€
But he's also been spotted with this vehicle:

My personal software upgrade:

While I'm confident in approaching women, I wasn't getting the results I desired in Romania (perhaps it has to do with how the women feel they are viewed specifically in Romania and all it's unique situation, but I could be wrong about this speculation).

I learned through my wing that I was coming in a bit hot with the Iron.

As the old addage goes:

Don't throw the frog in boiling water

So after what seemed like an endless battle within me to figure out what wasn't working... I figured it would be way more effective coming in low pressure.

I was so caught up in achieving something with the women... but as soon as I loosened up my own energy around "succeeding" with women and instead focused on just being curious, things started to happen very quickly....

Fast forward...

That same night I received a Tinder message from a chick in the bougie neighbourhood called Primaverii.

Only when I arrived at her front gate I realised she was abnormally larger than her profile on Tinder (and I was worried it was a gypsy trick...).

But it had been 2 months since I had gotten laid...
Thick girls need love too.

So after I got introduced to her at her front door with her gay male friend who had a bat in his hand...
we went inside and drank expensive wine while we chilled on her rooftop and talked.

2 things these two expressed to me is that:

  1. They really like Trump.
  2. They are afraid that once Romanians no longer need visas to travel to Canada (which is soon), the Gypsies will create a bad name for them...

HAHAHAHA - some funny shit, kinda silly and sad at the same time.

Anyways, earlier that same day, Jules and I were in the worst part of town called District 5 where the gypsies hang and I saw a gypsy lady with a horse carriage and a matress on top. Something like this...

imageI saw something like this but it was in the district 5 of bucharest on city roads, and a mattress on the back. Strange sight...

So much contrast in one day...

The **BIGGEST** thing I've learned while travelling in Romania is:

Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to "get there."

Stay focused and take it one day at a time, do what you can every day to achieve your goal (adjust and adapt as you go).

Let go of the pressure on yourself to arrive (whatever your destination internal or external).

Beyond that, take time to appreciate the indicators of your desires showing up in your life.

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