I biked across the USA with my guitar - Here's how it happened

Hello friends!

This is an open letter to those amazing people that helped me along my 2017 cycle adventure across the USA and Europe

I’m happy to let you know that I finished my cycle adventure at the end of 2017 and I am settling back in the SF bay area after a long trip which started this month last year!! I met tons of new friends, performed and composed tons of songs, and ate several times my bodyweight in food. I learned a lot about myself, the world and its inhabitants along my way and my journey has inspired me to follow my dreams of composing and playing music for my career. For part of the inspiration, I thank you!

Here is my story for those of you patient and interested enough to enjoy 

I left my home in Walnut Creek, CA on March 31st, 2017 heading north over the Golden Gate Bridge with a destination of Arcata, CA via the costal redwoods, rivers, and beautiful seaside towns! The first taste of a grand adventure! Renegade camping with the most beautiful views! Meeting friendly strangers along the road! The wind in my face!! What a life


Samuel P. Taylor State Park (where I almost camped my first night)

A beautiful view to wake up to - Valleys, Mountains and Rivers near Point Arena

A beautiful sunset along the Eel River

Made it through the passes near Leggett! On to Arcata!

It was here that I met with my high school friend, Timo Mendez, with whom I planned the “TRASH JAMZ ECOBIKE TOUR 2017”. We raised funds online to help aid us picking up trash as we headed south along the coastal California Scenic Highway 1 to San Diego, CA.

Trash stands no chance!!

Timo disapproves...

We're Bad Campers20170429_183625.jpg

After many days in the rain and 100’s of bags of trash we made it to San Diego and the first leg of my journey was complete. From San Diego I hitched a ride to Flagstaff, AZ where I began the second leg of my journey with a destination of Paonia, CO to meet with friends and perform at a music festival. Through the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon I found some of the most beautiful inland sights I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing.

The summit near Flagstaff in the amazing smelling Ponderosa pine forest

A beautiful sight while biking all day in the desert - the Colorado River20170513_124631.jpg

Zion National Park after a little rock climbing20170515_131039.jpg

Didn't plan for snow... I guess I'll pay for my first accommodations20170518_172850.jpg

As I trekked through Bryce the snow picked up and luckily my good friend and guitarist/photographer Chris Manfield who was planning to meet and play with me at the festival was a couple days early and picked me up for a few much needed days of car camping and writing music in the now shrunk Bear Ears National Monument.

Our campsite - Bear Ears must be protected from oil and mineral interests - https://www.facebook.com/events/1751669771573526/ DSC_4234_1.jpg

A little scrambling about and some tunes

More scrambling with Chris

After the festival in Paonia I spent almost a month with friends in Colorado and New Mexico seeing the sights and playing tons of music.

At the great sand dunes with my best friend Emily =]

From there I got a ride with Emily as she was going visit her family in Spirit Lake, IA. I continued north toward the twin cities and along the way stayed with a inspiring and kind couple, Tom and Linda, in Mankato, MN

Tom and I after a nice ride into town and a coffee

By night I was in the capital of Minneapolis to see my cousins and their newborn daughter! We got some biking and chill time in before another long leg

Along the greenway bike path in Minneapolis with my cousin Matt

Then headed south east along the Mississippi. A beautiful river ride!! It was here I stayed with a fellow musician Bryan and his son Aiden during a storm. Before it hit we got some rock climbing in, and I was lucky enough to hear him rehearsing some beautiful music!

Nice rock!

Before I made it to Madison, WI I had the pleasure of staying with the most welcoming, down to earth family on the small farm in La Valle, WI. Thanks again!

In Madison I stayed with a science student from Turkey named Baris! A great guy and we had a delicious pitcher on the pier near the campus there followed by a little river picnic the next day

I eventually reached the suburbs of Chicago in Indiana where my Great Aunts and Uncle and their family live. In that region of Indiana my family owns a few amazing pizza restaurants, State line Pizza, where I was lucky enough to be able to work and save some money while spending some quality time with that amazing part of my family. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures with my aunt Gloria =[ but we had a great time catching up!! Also the picture of me and uncle Mark is missing if someone has it, send it over!


The Gordons!! good times =]

My Aunt Marilyn and I in front of her store!

After a nice long rest with my lovely family there I headed south through Indiana and then east through Ohio, West Virginia, and to Pittsburgh, PA.
Along this route I stayed with many gracious hosts, but unfortunately don't have any pictures as out time together was short. I would like to give a shout out to them
Frances for the amazing veggie spread and opening your house to me late at night
to the mosquitos in Muncie near the swamp for holding off long enough for me to set my tent up
To my clown friends for taking care of me and offering a place to shower and crash when I ate shit
to Laurie and Mary for the amazing dinner, for mailing my prized sweatshirt back home, and for the ride to Columbus!
To the firefighters in Zanesville for letting me crash behind the firehouse
and to Eric and Rachel for showing me around pittsburgh and preparing me for the gap trail!

This is the amazing kind of thing you are lucky enough to enjoy on the road as you step out of a warm shower after biking over 100 miles, thanks Frances!

Oops, saw a cop and I got nervous and turned into a gravel pile...20170718_190255.jpg

and then this happened20170721_162510.jpg

but I made it to pittsburgh and got the guitar fixed for the last 3rd of the transamerica

From Pittsburgh I began the Great Allegheny Passage over the Eastern Continental Divide which then joined with the C&O canal trail to form the longest off-road section of the trip at over 400 miles.

At the top!20170725_163912.jpg

and then the descent - two days of biking uphill = two hours of epic downhill

I cut off from the C&O trail northeast toward Philadelphia and stayed with some great folks along the way. Again, no pictures due to the short stay, but the appreciation is strong
First to Ben and the farm crew in Gettysburg for the jams, fire and homemade cider =]
and to Paul and Jane for the hearty dinner and pie and making me feel at home on a long journey!

This took me to Philadelphia, PA where I rested again for some time with good friends and family! I don't know how I spent a week with my main girl Maggie and ended up with no pics =[ but those memories of chilling at your house at the pool, seeing your brother's band play and showing me your hood will alway be in my heart <3
While in the area I was lucky enough to stay with my 2nd cousins once removed... or was it 1st cousins twice removed?? annyway Linda and Joe were so sweet to have me, clean me up and help get my bike fixed and accommodate my much needed rest.

Extended family becomes less extended!

From Philly I biked in one day through New Jersey all the way to it’s north coast and took the ferry to New York City, and spent time with a good friend Kyle and his family while healing my shoulder after that intense 120+ mile ride!

Kyle's rooftop chill spot/job in NYC20170806_173713.jpg

From NY I headed to Mystic, Connecticut where I reunited with my cousins! Thanks Kevin, Heather and Molly for showing me an amazing time in your town!! I really enjoyed playing music and spending some time with you in your beautiful home!

The whole crew! even tucker!

From there I made it to Rhode Island to see the most of the rest of my mother’s family where I spent several weeks enjoying summer with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. This time was very special because normally when I visit it's not for very long considering how much family I have here! I really appreciated it and hope to come for another long stay sometime soon, with more pictures!! Thanks Aunt Dot for taking me in as your son for so long =] I was amazed by how well you are doing and glad I could be there to keep you company. I will forever appreciate your advice, our long talks, and all the meals and rides all over your state! and to all you aunts uncles and cousins, WHY DO WE HAVE NO PICTURES?? send me them if you have any. It's partly my fault...=[ we must remember next time!

A much need landing with an amazing person!

Chase and I at the fair! WHOOO!

For my final leg in the USA I rode in one day from southern Rhode Island to my best friend Scarlett's apartment in Boston where I spent a week resting and celebrating a long journey with her and Dan. We were having way too much fun to take any pics, luckily we have a few from the dorms =]

WOW that was quite the trans-america trip!! stay tuned for the trans Europe adventure

check out more pics on my website - matthewfisherkeller.com

and on instagram @bad_camper

I'm planning on reflecting more on these adventures as time goes on and hopefully writing more about them
I learned so much abstract knowledge and saw so much beauty and ugliness that it's hard to collect into some set of decisive thoughts that I want to share right now.

What I can tell you though is that there's a LOT of good people in this country. The kind of news that inspires you to go meet new people or let go of your inhibitions and adventure into the world as vulnerable as you can be, this kind of news doesn't sell on mass media. A big thanks to users of media like steemit that promote these ideas and allow a forum for appreciation of these frightful yet rewarding aspects of life. You'll never hear on FOX or CNN "Touring cyclist meets strangers on the internet and has a nice dinner, warm shower, good conversation and a soft bed. They keep in light contact for many years" BUT IT EXISTS, and it's not rare.

Life is waiting for you to grab it and enjoy it. There are people out there that will be so happy to get a message from you on couchsurfing.org or warmshowers.org. You will make someones day if you break down in the middle of nowhere and they are able to help you! Always be safe, wear a helmet and take precautions so you don't run out of water but if you ask me I'd rather die young during living a life full of adventure, risk and connections than old and grey on my couch scrolling down my facebook feed. Thats my 2 cents for now.

thanks for listening
much love

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