Various Sunsets at Big Island

Sunsets are interesting to me, I confess. But I have several friends (one in particular, LOL) , to whom they are very important. Don't get me wrong, I love them; but I don't shoot them that often. This time I was renting a house which sits on a ridge, had a pool and strategically located to capture sunset. So I was helpless not to shoot them:

Then a couple of days later:

This short of gives you a glimpse of the neighborhood as well. Typical Hawaiian modern suburb.

Then a little bit later and lower horizon:

This is as low the horizon can go in a photograph I think..

All shot in Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Canon EF 17-40L lens

Disclaimer: All photographs are my own. Just ask me please if you like to use and share; citing the source is fine.

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