[Travel Photo Blog]Through Awen's Lens Part 5 - Mount Shasta and The Crystal Waters

Oregon will always feel like home, but it was time for us to hit the road once again. This time we were heading down the west coast of the US, through to Las Vegas, Nevada. I was really excited for another adventure, and I was not disappointed!

It was late, and we were exhausted, but as the sun rose in the distance I couldn't help but stare in awe. Ahead was Mount Shasta. The sun slowly illuminating her beautiful, rugged peaks. I had never seen a mountain like this before. As we got closer we decided we couldn't just pass it by and decided to stop in town nestled in its base.

Daniela explained that Mt. Shasta was a glacial mountain, and that most likely had pure water. When we pulled into town, we soon found she was right. "Mt. Shasta: City of Pure Water"

We searched for a public fountain where we could taste the crystal waters from the mountain. While this one made for a fun climb for Daniela, unfortunately it wasn't running.

Mt. Shasta seemed to be a homey, warm little town. It was decorated in such a cute, and vintage way for Christmas. It almost seemed like a town from a movie! Once again, Daniela couldn't resist the opportunity to play, but that's why we love her!

Further into town we got a great view of the mountain. We decided to park and explore the nearby surroundings. It was early in the morning, and there was no one around. It really added to the pristine nature of the natural landscape. I couldn't help but wonder what went through the mind of the first person to stumble upon this wonder of the Earth. What did this area look like a thousand, or tens of thousands of years ago?

Even though we had driven much farther south, it felt way colder! The wind was whipping and bit at our skin. Luckily I have this handsome guy to cuddle close to. He's the ultimate adventure partner! <3

I think from now on, I will have Daniela climb a tree everywhere we go. She looks so at home among the branches.

At last we found a running fountain, complete with an amazing view point of the valley below! It was stunning, and even though we were freezing, we couldn't resist experiencing the mountains crystal waters.

Situated in a majestic green piece of stone, the water glistened in the morning light. Its sound was so soothing, and in its presence I couldn't help but feel overcome with peaceful vibes.

You can tell by the look on Greg's face that he was hesitant to touch the water. The cold was biting, and our fingers were already frozen. He pushed through the cold, and expressed his gratitude for the experience.

As a pagan and a druid in training, I couldn't help but take the opportunity to give thanks to and honor one of my patron Goddesses, Brigid. I knelt before the fountain and asked for her blessing. Thanking her for her guidance and wisdom.

Because of the purity of the water, and its source in the mountain, it was a wonderful chance to charge our crystals with its essence. I felt called to charge my quartz and moonstone especially.

Their radiance was heightened by the magic of the water. This is one of the most magical photos I have ever taken, and I will cherish it always.

Daniela also bathed her crystals in the water, and then her bare feet! She's from Brazil, and yet her tolerance to the element of cold always astounds me!

As we left the town of Mt. Shasta, we were greeted with another amazing view that reminded me that there was countless more beauty to experience on our journey! We left the mountain in the distance, and continued on our way to Las Vegas!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

All photography is taken by me; Awen Nuin. Each post is an original work. If you enjoyed my photos and stories, please upvote, resteem or follow me for more!

Peace and Love!

Awen /|\

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