Coffee in Spain


If a cup of tea, or a sip coffin gets life's luxury, adds tiredness - what is evil

And the Spanish probably believed in the letter. The Spanish have seen, even though the style of living is not too much, drinking coffee quite a bit. No, there is no time for them to drink coffee or they do not have any time - they have all day, even during the night twelve, they have not seen any objection in the coffee. And there is a cafeteria of the cafeteria.

At twelve o'clock in the streets of Madrid, sitting in the cafe bedside, I did not have any hesitation to sip them in the cup of coffee. Even the Spanish also made several kinds of coffee orders in bars. So, for a few days in Spain, I find myself in a coffee culture, I can see that I'm going to find coffee drinks excuse ... and I'm niggard to order Spanish coffee.

Here coffee is not limited to one drink - this is a culture. Spanish coffees are different in different places - the Spanish coffee order system is also full of complexity. If Madrid's coffee is the same, then Andalusier's coffee flavor is completely different, the type of order is different.

Coffee, Espresso is probably the favorite drink of the people of the whole world, and again in the different countries of the world, come to the places of the people with the food culture of the place, changed, and there are different types of coffee flavors.

For example, coffee came to Spain in the 17th century with Turkey, and many different types of coffee drinks were made in Spain, and the process of making coffee in Spain has also been very different. However, many say that the coffee and coffees in Italy and Portugal are the best. Then came Spain coffee.

Spaniards like to eat coffee with dense espresso coffee. Usually, I will drink Spanish coffee in Spain, much depends on the order, and the coffee is served in glass and sometimes in the cup.

Spain's popular coffee is - Café con Leche - The equivalent of milk mixed with coffee - half a milk and half a coffee. The Spanish day starts with that coffee, even with the coffee, even after eating at lunch, they prefer to drink those milk mixed coffee.

Then there is the Café Manchado - a glass of milk mixed with espresso coffee color, a little coffee coffee flavor in milk, this is what else.

Or Carajillo - espresso coffee with a few drops of brandy, rum or whiskey mixed Spanish is very popular in coffee Spain.

Besides, Café Solo, Café con hielo, Café Suizo, etc. How many other Spanish coffee speakers like to eat !!! We can understand only a small portion of their coffee from outside, going to their country. So a cup of coffee is going to be nazehal najihalera.

Differences in the variety of Spanish coffee differences are really difficult to understand. But, see the city of Spain, tired of going on the road? To take a break, take a cup of coffee to rest, and a little while, see the current people on the road - at that moment there is nothing more to ask than life. A refreshing drink with a sip of coffee cup - Ah, this is the living.

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