The Scenery of Mount Guntur

Mount Guntur

Mount Guntur is a volcano located in Sirnajaya, Tarogong Kaler, Garut regency, West Java, and has a height of 2401 meters above sea level. The thunder mountain also has a very cold temperature.

Location of Mount Guntur in Java Island. Thunder once became the most active volcano on the island of Java. Guntur adjacent to other mountains that surround the city of Garut. To the south of Mount Guntur, there is Gunung Putri overlooking Mount Cikuray and Mount Papandayan, then in the west there are Mount Masigit, Mount Parupuyan, and other mountains. Around the foot of Mount Guntur precisely in Tarogong Kaler Regency there are many hotels and inns equipped with hot spring bath facilities obtained from Mount Guntur. On holiday so many immigrants from inside and outside the city who visit Mount Guntur and to Chipanas Garut.

At the top of Mount Guntur there is a very large and deep caldera originating from the former eruption. Characteristics of Mount Guntur is generally sandy so it is not overgrown with plants and looks barren. Much of this area is overgrown with weeds and looks like grasslands. At the top there are only a few Cantigi plants that grow. In addition to Cantigi, pine trees grow more in this mountain.

Original Photography by @anwarabdullah

Taken with the smartphone camera of Asus Toof

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