My Travels. Paris 2. My photos

I want to continue the story of my travels in Paris, my favorite city. Art, history, nature and a lot of life are the beautiful features of this French city that always gives us so many emotions.
We learn to love it since we are children, when we study the most important monuments and works of art that have made humanity great.

Unthinkable not to visit the Louvre Museum when going to Paris. We are all prepared to stand in long lines in front of the characteristic and futuristic entrance: the famous glass pyramid that creates a fantastic contrast with the historic façade of the museum building.
And the surprise begins just when we walk the ancient foundations of the Louvre: we begin to perceive the quantity of surprises that the great museum structure will give us.
It takes many hours to visit it and my advice is to see a piece of it every time you go to Paris. Impossible to see it all in one day.
If, on the other hand, you want to visit immediately its excellence and the most important and unique art collections, I suggest the collection of finds from the Egyptian civilization. This always appeals to children too. But even the exhibition of paintings is fantastic.
In short, at least once in a lifetime, we all have to go to the Louvre!

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