Wrap Up Moscow

In case you missed it: this week I posted a number of articles about my trip to Moscow, so here is a short overview of all four.

 I had a great time in the capital of Russia. I met so many interesting and friendly people, and I am very impressed by the state of the crypto and blockchain industry. 

With Polly from Crypto More Media

So many talented people work on crypto projects in Russia. And I had the impressiont that there is a meetup or conference every week.

Moscow has a lot of beauty to offer. And I was surprised of the high standard of living. Lots of Sushi bars, coffee shops, fancy restaurants and clubs. Nothing that would remind you of the Soviet Union, except some Stalinist buildings. But even they have a kind of weird beauty.

So here are my four articles about Moscow I published this week.

On Monday I presented you the Moscow metro which its stations that look like opera houses. And by the way, it works extremely well.

On Tuesday I reported from my visit to the Museum of Cosmonautics, which makes you want to become a Cosmonaut.

On Wednesday I wrote about Soviet Avantgarde Art which I saw at the Tretyakovskaya Gallery.

On Thursday you saw lots of christmas trees and christmas decorations, as christmas in Russia is celebrated in January.

What is missing? The wonderful, warm-hearted people of Moscow who make your forget the ice and snow outside. I am looking forward to see them again in the summer at my next visit to this amazing city.

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