Türkiye de Bir Şehir. ADANA..

.149.260 population of Adana, Turkey's 5th largest city in terms of population. The first five cities are Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa. The center of Adana is on the Seyhan River. Adana makes a significant contribution to the economy of the country. It is the 4th largest metropolitan area of ​​our country. Again in the direction of the mine is the fourth municipality.

History of Adana
The oldest known date in Adana belongs to 3000 years ago. Findings from the Paleolithic Age were found in excavations. Moreover, the Tepebağ Höyüğü built in the Neolithic Age was unearthed by archaeologists. Tepebag Höyüğü is the oldest city in

Later on, Adana was dominated by the Roman Empire, and Tarsus was the center of this period. After Rome, Adana was included in Byzantine territory. Adana, which was captured by the Arabs in 7th century, was again under Byzantine rule in 964. But shortly before the year 1071, Adana joined the lands of the Seljuks.

Adana, which remained as the territory of the Ottoman State until the War of Independence, was occupied by the French during the War of Independence. But with the Ankara Treaty of October 20, 1921, France came out of Adana on 5 January 1922. In 1956, the Seyhan Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant were built in Adana, where an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude occurred in 1998 and 145 people lost their lives. This earthquake is known as Ceyhan Earthquake.

Adana Tourist and Tourist Destinations

Adana has become a settlement for every civilization passing through this region, especially due to its geographical advantage. In every civilization living here, it left behind its own special features, especially architecture. So when you are in Adana you can see different architects in historical buildings. Ramazanoğlu Mansion, Çarşı Hamam and Irmak Hamam will be examples of different architectural constructions.

Adana is also rich in glassware. The most visited mosque in Adana is Sabancı Central Mosque. Although it is new, Sabancı Central Mosque stands out with this feature. Sabancı Merkez Mosque is one of the biggest mosques in the middle east. The most famous mosque besides Sabancı Merkez Mosque is Adana Ulu Camidir. Some of the other glasses;

Yeni CamiYağ Mosque Alemdar Mescidi Sawh Zulfi Mescidi Kızıldağ Ramazanoğlu CamiiHasan Aga Mosque (Hasan Aga Mosque, built without using nails.)

Adana has many churches besides its churches. Two of these churches are Armenian churches, two of them are Greek churches, and one of them is Latin churches.

There are many parks and gardens, including Central Park, which adds beauty to Adana's beauty. These;
Atatürk ParkSüleyman Demirel ParkInnoy Botanical ParkParkside ParkYaşar Kemal Korusu Catalan Korusu

Adana has many places to visit in terms of tourist attractions. Some of them are as follows;
Taşköprü (Justinianus Roman Bridge) Adana Archaeological Museum Adana Ethnography Museum Adana Ataturk Evi Museum Adana Cinema MuseumBebekli Church (Italian Catholic Church) Adana Bedestenen Big Time Date Kazancılar ÇarşısıAkkapı Sheikh Cemil Nardalı Konağı
I've been so wandering around

Adana's Dinners

Cooking Turkey's leading cities on the island. Adana, which is rich in regional dishes, is also famous for its spices used in its meals. The first meal that comes to mind in Adana is of course Adana Kebab. Other local dishes;
(Sweet with ice and starch) Karsvacamlajayla (Snowy sweet) Thigh Soup SoupKishırMahluta SoupQuice

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