Toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is a disease caused by fungi and mold, such as yams, candida, fungi, etc. These fungi usually live in a humid environment, so if your feet are not dry when you walk, shoes, or regular feet exposed to dirty water, will be prone to fungal nail disease. In case of fungal infection, the nails usually turn brown, yellow or white spots, maybe black, the nails become brittle, pitted, brittle, easy to loosen, holes, raised horns under the nail, thick, uncomfortable, causing difficulties when walking, working.


When you get toenail fungus, it quickly spreads throughout your feet on both legs and can even spread to other organs and can also spread from person to person. Therefore, when you have toenail fungus, need to cut short nails, file nail hypertrophy, ruffles, sharp edges, avoid injury, stimulate, do not use the same nail clippers for fungal infections and nails normal, Wear appropriate footwear, keep feet clean and dry, and use anti-fungal powder in shoes every day. Get the treatment as directed by a specialist.

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