First Police Encounter

As expected for such an eye-catching vehicle, especially because, in general, these are generally only seen painted in the colors from the only public transporter in Flanders, de Lijn, it attracts the curiosity of many a person.
(There were even some people waiting at the bus stop, trying to wave me down and then looking confused because I didn't stop :) )


In the case of a police officer they can wrap their curiosity in an official jacket and make some inquiries.
This officer was telling me that it couldn't be, that I was living here, that I had to disappear.
As I misinterpreted the reason for the officer's concern, I objected, telling the officer that all my papers were in order and I have an official permission to be living in the bus.
After a while it became obvious that the officer was acting on behalf of the owner (who was standing next to me).
So there it was: a new deadline to pack all my stuff back in the bus in a manner I could still move around somewhat comfortably.
At first I was told I was going to be here, in this spot, for almost a year, while fixing the complete interior of the bus.
So one of the first things I did, was to construct a little shelter to store a lot of recycled consumer electronics, which I still have to take apart to salvage some of the parts.
Once this is done, the volume of this heap of resources will be greatly reduced.
It seems like there wont be time yet for that enterprise.

As of now I'm awaiting which of these three possible options will come about:
The first option is almost a complete certainty: in Doel - a desolate town that once had over a 1000 inhabitants, but due to a grave misbehavior of the government all inhabitants, save a couple, left their houses - a friend of a friend who is enthusiastic about my project, can easily host me there.
Pros: it features a grafiti from Banksy
Cons: it's somewhat far away and it's alway windy


The second option is another industry terrain of another friend, who I'm gonna do an assignment for concerning the integration of a CRM system into his company's workflow. He's still figuring out where to make space for a parking spot, but he has good incentives.
This will be a good solution for a couple of months.
By then I'm hopefully ready to be able to do without public utilities for a (short) while.

The third option is a recently deserted industrial terrain, formerly owned by a large chocolate company, recently acquired by a company whose headquarters are in my town (for so far it still is 'my' town').
They buy pretty much all industrial terrains that become available, for the sole purpose of investment.
These guys have rented me a parking spot before, so my hopes are up that they will do that again.
Also, the good friend of whom I'm currently inhibiting, very much would like to buy a small piece of the hangars that are on this terrain, so in the future, I might be able to always find a spot there.

The former chocolate factory is just outside town, between some small, light industry and some houses, bordering the "Kruibeekse Polder", a marvelous green zone, stretching over more than 15 Km along the river Schelde.

Both socially, practically and environmentally the best option, socially, because it's actually in my town where most of my social activities originate.

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