The HIV and Vegetarianism Conspiracy - Tin Foil Raps


Hey y'all

This is the @v4vapid tinfoilraps paranoid rhymes contest where you're to

Take two seemingly unrelated conspiracies and wrap them together in rhyme.

I've picked two myself, the Veganism conspiracy theory (which is not well known and is usually just a joke) and the HIV conspiracy theories.

I think I've got to warn y'all that, this is for the fun and the rhymes and the contest! And not a representation of my views. Thank you.


The HIV and Veganism Conspiracy Theories

Yo bro, that time the stairs you turned your back on
And asked me if I liked bacon
I didn't say a word cos I had my mouth stout and bent south filled up with that good
Didn't want some of it to drop to the floor when I speak, dude.
But about now I've just had a swallow
And would no longer let you wallow
In your ignorance about my relationship with meat
And stuff like that that fit.

Look, man, I love me errthing meaty, Chicken, beef, bacon, whether cold, warm or heaty
I hug it, kiss it, lick it and run my finger round it's clitty
But you won't know about that even a lil bitty
Cos I've been parading as a veggie around the motherfucken city.
Goddamn, that was the past, brody
Right now I see through all that humpty-dumpty-doodly.
They tell you and sell you all that crap about green being the thing
And that meat only kills you and steals your bling.
But that's a lot of lying!
Veganism is no'n but a plot from a lot of gut having big shot bacon lovers
To make you avoid meat so the price of meat gonna stay low way below the butt of J.Lo.
That's all!
They try to make you take the fall by hooking and cooking up ash and thrash about plants being healthier, and animals being filthier.
It's just the way to keep meat prices down and make emselves wealthier.

These animal flesh lovers be trying to forever keep the prices down.
That's why to keep you out of making too much demands for meat they go around spreading hate for animals around town.
It's all about the price, that's the prize
It's nothing more than that, chap. Fuck the chit-chat.
Price is money
The good old hood hoe be relocating to some other hood bro, cos there she'll get a better price for her hollow wares, shit is funny.
The same way the government and health establishments in 1930s pulled out an element off the figment of the environment and called that shit an ailment christened it HIV for the same reason which is price.
To make the price of them hospital bills climb up hills
To make the health sector that was getting to red see more bread.
To sell more condoms and make more sums off the fears and cares of unsuspecting patients.
They also be still spreading the hate for animals with this talk of HIV.
Telling you the disease came from an animal, you see?

It's all a plan, man, by those who love meat
Don't you see it?
They wanna keep the meat all to themselves
And they wanna keep the prices of meat lower in them shelves
To keep the meat all to themselves they try to make you avoid it by saying animals are filthy eat only plants,
They also say HIV came from em when ain't no HIV exists.
All these they're saying also serves their other purpose of keeping the price low, they wanna stack the Ms.
It's a plan, it's a conspiracy. I can't be as crazy to fall for this shit.
Wise up, they think you're in lack, like your intellect is in the red, the red like the red from a member of a minstrel circle's menstrual cycle!



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