Ultimate Wrestling Season 2 - Ch. 10: Friday Night Clash 16! Part - 2


Click here for part - 1: @ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-10-friday-night-clash-16-part-1




Scott Slade: Alright wrestling fans we are back and ready for action here on Friday NIght Clash!

Chris Rodgers: Thank God! If I had to listen to that Mills guy talk politics for a second longer I was going to lose my mind!


Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestro primer partido de la noche está programado para un otoño! ¡Todas las reglas estándar estarán en vigor! ¡Gracing the Ultimate Wrestling ring por primera vez en su brillante carrera! ¡Con un peso de 298 libras y una altura de seis pies y ocho pulgadas! ¡Proveniente de la gran nación de Mongolia! ¡¡El Gran Khan !! CHULUUN BOLD !!!

Chris Rodgers: The great who? I've never heard of this guy.

Scott Slade: The Great Khan, Chris! One of the most famous international wrestlers of the last decade!

Chris Rodgers: Another foreigner? We need another one of those, like a bullet to the head! What are Mr. Mudcock and Mr. Anderson thinking!

Tengger Cavalry by Khaan starts to play over the stadium speaker system as the Harley Davidson motorcycle's roar catches the fans' attention. Seconds later, the big Mongolian rolled out onto the stage on his expensive motorbike. The Great Khan's reputation proceeded, and the Mexican wrestling fans let out a nice roar for him as he rode his motorbike down the ramp to the wrestling ring. Bold then dismounted and walked up the steel stairs before high stepping over the top rope to get in the ring.

Chris Rodgers: Who does this guy think he is? Evil Knievel? Is he going to jump the wrestling ring on his motorbike? What a joke!

Scott Slade:Come on, Chris, this guy is serious stuff. He's been crushing opponents all over Mexico and Latin America down south.

Chris Rodgers: Hmph!

Holly Hudson: ¡Su oponente para el partido de esta noche! ¡Pesa 250 libras increíbles y mide cinco pies, once pulgadas! ¡Procedente de lugares desconocidos! ¡El único! ¡¡Lo único!! WENDY !!!

Chris Rodgers: Five eleven, and she weighs 250 pounds? Is she related to LuLu Biggs? I can't wait to see this heifer waddle out. I swear Anderson signs some of the strongest competitors.

Scott Slade: Chris, that's offensive! She might be a bodybuilder! You haven't even seen her yet. Plus, LuLu Biggs has proven that people living with obesity can still be successful as professional athletes!

Chris Rodgers: Hmph!

"Nightcore" by One Man Army began to play on the sound system as a woman wearing a green wrestling leotard, and green boots walked out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the fans. Her hair was a dirty blonde, brown color. She wore sunglasses to cover her mysterious eyes, which seemed to be glowing green underneath them. Her skin was porcelain white, and her body language was almost expressionless as she made her way down the ramp. Once inside the ring, Wendy made her way over to her corner and began staring straight at Chuluun. She immediately started to analyze and process her opponent's strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, Bold was busy having words with referee Bob Sigro. Suddenly the timekeeper rang the bell, officially starting the match between the two newest additions to the Ultimate Wrestling roster.

Chris Rodgers: Someone needs to check the weighting scale because that woman does not weigh two hundred fifty pounds! She's a hundred 120 at best. This is going to a landslide victory for this massive Mongol in the ring.

Scott Slade: Yeah, I have to agree... something is off here.

Chuluun laughed at his opponent and shook his head at referee Bob Sigro demanding that the Ultimate Wrestling staff give him a worthy opponent. Sigro shrugged his shoulders and once again reiterated the match was underway. The WENDE android moved mechanically toward her towering opponent, which infuriated Bold, who felt disrespected by her methodical approach. The big balded head Mongolian moved in for an attack. Still, it was taken entirely surprised when the faux young girl kicked him in the stomach with an ultra-powerful front kick. The kick took Bold clean off his feet and sent him flying ten feet across the ring into the ring ropes. The wrestling ropes absorbed the impact and flung the Mongolian forward like a rag doll as he came to a rest a few feet away from the WENDE feet.

Chris Rodgers: Holy shit! What the hell was that?!

Scott Slade: I haven't seen strength like that since Dresden's match against Abishag!

Chris Rodgers: Great! Another freak on War Hammer performance enhancers! Exactly what we need... I swear to God, I miss the old days so bad! The days when athletes used their God-given talent! Everyone is looking for an edge these days! Steroids, performance drug enhancers, cybernetic enhancements! Where doe sit end? Scotty? Pretty soon, we're going to be watching full-on robots fight each other!

Scott Slade: Come on, Chris! Can't you be serious? Just call the match, will you?

Bold attempted to get back up on his feet after regaining his composure, only to have the WENDE bounce off the ropes and rush forward. The WENDE then began a series of acrobatics. It flipped forward with a cartwheel into a frontflip, then a back handspring, which launched her up to the air. The android landed on Chulun's shoulders and wrapped her cold life-like legs around his neck. She then began squeezing the life out of the Mongolian with her mechanical thighs suffocating him. Bold squirmed and struggled to fight out of it as it almost looked as if the faux girl was attempting to break his neck.

Scott Slade: That had to be the most incredible display of agility I've ever seen! This Wendy girl moves like an Olympic level gymnast! Fantastic stuff!

Chris Rodgers: Bold is serious trouble here! He's got to get her off of him!

The WENDE shoved her fingers into Bold's big wide nostrils to completely shut off his airway. Without any oxygen going to his brain, the Great Khan could no longer support the android's weight on his shoulders. Bold collapsed onto the mat, dropping both of them hard onto the wrestling mat as the fans roared with excitement. The android got up onto its feet first but was quickly dropped to the mat with a surprising sweeping leg kick from Bold. This allowed Bold to get to his feet and finally catch his breath. As the WENDE droid got back up, the Mongolian launched a desperate onslaught attack of multiple Mongolian chops across her chest. With each solid blow the android absorbed, Bold became more convinced he was not fighting a normal human being.

Chris Rodgers: It's about time this big goofy looking Khan guy got some licks in! Let's see if he can turn the tide in this one!

Scott Slade: He's backing Wendy up into the corner, but it's like she's not even flinching from those massive chops!

Bold kicked the android in the midsection and then backhanded it across the face with a massive open-handed slap that knocked its sunglasses clean off its face. The WENDE's bright glowing green eyes became visible to all the fans in the arena and the people watching at home. Bold grabbed hold of the android by its throat and lifted it high in the air before choke slamming it hard into the wrestling mat. He then covered it for a pin and hooked its leg.

Chris Rodgers: She's a damn cyborg! Now it all makes sense! That's all we needed was another cheating cyborg! We've already got Jeremiah! We don't need another one on this roster!

Scott Slade: Nice choke slam from Bold! Sigro down on the mat for the count! One! O.H.H.! What a kick out! Chuluun must have flown five feet into the air!

Chris Rodgers: This bitch is all suped-up! This isn't fair! It's like trying to fight DATA from Star Trek!

Bold laid on his back, breathing heavily, frustrated and furious at being pitted against what he thought to be an enhanced opponent in his first match. The WENDE android sat straight up like the undertaker and then stood before attempting to slam her first through Chuluun's skull. The Mongolian rolled out of the way just in time, and the WENDE's fist went straight through the ring mat. The Hispanic fans roared in excitement, enthralled with the young "woman's" incredible strength. With the android fist stuck in the mat, Bold took advantage of the opportunity charged in, nailing the android with a mighty spear that took down flat onto the wrestling mat. Once again, Bold hooked her leg and attempted to pin his opponent to win the wrestling match.

Scott Slade: My God, she punched her fist straight through! I've only seen one other person do that!

Chris Rodgers: I was going to say the same thing. Sato did something similar in Ultra Slam last year, but that was from the top rope! That was from a vertical drop! Bold was lucky to get out of the way right there!

Scott Slade: Bold with another pin! One! OOH!! Another insanely powerful kick out! I think Bold was flung up into the air even higher than the last time!

Chris Rodgers: I'm starting to get the feeling Bold is just making her mad!

Once again, Bold found himself on his back, and this time, he was in a lot of pain. He wasn't sure, but it felt like he's been kicked off by Wendy and launched at least seven feet into the air. The Mongolian had landed awkwardly on his spine and was writhing around on the mat in pain. The WENDE got back up off the wrestling mat and took a fighting stance waiting for Chuluun to get back up like a predator about to pounce on its prey. Bold attempted to get back up, but the android cocked back it's fist and unleashed an epically powerful sucker punch. The decisive blow knocked Chuluun Bold out cold flat on the wrestling mat. Blood pooled from his mouth as he lay motionless on the mat, much to the Ultimate Wrestling fans' shock.

Chris Rodgers: Good God! That put Mike Tyson to shame! Stick a fork in him. He's done!

Scott Slade: I'm not a doctor, but I think she might have broken his jaw! Sigro is starting a ten count! We might have a K.O. here!

The WENDE robot danced around the ring as a boxer would while staring coldly at her fallen human opponent. When Bob Sigro counted to ten, he motioned to the timekeeper to ring the bell. The fans roared as "Nightcore" by One Man Army started to play on the sound system. Sigro lifted the android's arm into the air and pointed at her signaling her as the match-winner.

Holly Hudson: ¡El ganador de este partido! Wendy !!



Scott Slade: What an incredible debut victory for this young cyborg woman.

Chris Rodgers: Someone gets the medical team out here for this Mongolian son of bitch. Poor bastard probably had no idea he was going up against an enhanced opponent.

Scott Slade: Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a cut for a commercial break, but when we come back, we've got another 90 minutes of jam-packed action in store for you! Don't go anywhere!


Thomas Mills pushed open the exit door leading to the underground parking garage. He was in a hurry to catch a flight back into the United States for a rally in Detroit, Michigan. Mills wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings. As he quickly made a B-line to his vehicle, he was fumbling around in his pocket for his keys. Just as he arrived at his car, Slick Mick jumped out from behind another parked vehicle. LuLu's partner in crime threw a black bag over his head before shocking him unconscious with a taser. Mills convulsed and then collapsed onto the concrete floor of the garage.

Slick Mick: That'll teach you SUCKAH! LuLu! I fried his ass! Bring the car around!

LuLu Biggs started up the motor of his 1979 300D custom Mercedez Benz and rolled up next to Slick and Mills. The big man threw the Benzito into park and then opened the door before getting out in a hurry. Biggs handcuffed Mills's arms behind his back while Slick Mick popped the trunk. The two pimps then loaded Mills into the car's trunk and then shut the lid before locking the trunk door.

LuLu Biggs: You go park the car somewhere where no one will be able to hear his cries for help. Got it?

Slick Mick: No problem, LuLu Baby, I got this shit. You go get ready for your big match! I want to see you make that cyborg jackass into a pancake again!

LuLu: You know it! Jeremiah Vastrix will have to go full robot just to walk again after we're done with him!

Slick Mick: Hell yeah! I can't wait to see that!

Slick got into the driver seat of the Benzito, threw it into drive, and then drove off. Biggs watched him drive off out of sight and then head back toward the locker room to get dressed for his match later in the evening.





Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestro próximo partido de esta noche también está programado para un otoño y tendrá todas las reglas en vigor! ¡Nuestro primer competidor también hará su debut en Ultimate Wrestling aquí esta noche! ¡Proveniente de Kirov, Rusia, y acompañado al ring por Dasha Ivanova y Boris Drago! ¡¡Con un peso monstruoso de cuatrocientas cincuenta libras !! ¡El gigante de siete pies y dos pulgadas, conocido en todo el mundo como Hank Sokolov!

Chris Rodgers: Jesus! I know this guy looked big when he accompanied Boris and Dasha during their last match, but when you hear his stats, it's shocking. What a beast!

Scott Slade: It would seem the reinforcements have arrived for Dasha and Boris. Perhaps the Kremlin wasn't happy with their embarrassing performances of late?

Chris Rodgers: Could be. One thing is for sure, though, Sokolov looks like a force to be reckoned with.

The Red Army Choir began to play over the stadium's sound system. The enormous Hank Sokolov marched out onto the stage with Dasha and Boris behind him. Boris was waving a large Russian flag and was revving-up support from the Mexican fans for Hank as they stormed down the ramp to the wrestling ring. Sokolov climbed up the steel steps and entered the ring where he was met by referee Bob Sigro. It was clear Bob Sigro didn't seem to happy about Dasha and Boris being present at ringside. The cameras cut back to the stage as Hank's music was cut, and "Ich Will" by Rammstein started to blare over the speaker system.

Chris Rodgers: There he is! The hero that rescued Mr. Mudcock and Mr. Anderson from that monster Evolution!

Scott Slade: Kronin got some revenge and looked damn good in the ring. This match against Sokolov is going to be a real test, though. I hope he's a hundred percent healed up like he's been telling reporters.

Holly Hudson: ¡Su oponente! ¡Haciendo su regreso al cuadrilátero esta noche! ¡Acompañado por su hermana Kara! ¡Con un peso de doscientas setenta y cinco libras y una altura de seis pies, seis pulgadas! Proveniente de Berlín y conocida en todo el mundo como la "Máquina Suplex alemana", KRONIN REINHARDT !!!

Chris Rodgers: It will be a test, but if anyone will take the fight to this big Russian, it's going to be the German Suplex Machine!

Scott Slade: Damn straight! Go get 'em, Kronin! Just listen to these wrestling fans!

Kronin stepped out onto the main stage dramatically with his sister Kara right behind him. The big German flipped back his wet long black hair and opened his eyes wide, taking in the fans' fantastic response inside the stadium. After a long deep breath, Kronin made his way down the ramp, slapping high fives with all the fans in the aisle way on his way to the ring. Sokolov did not waste any time and attacked Kronin as soon as he stepped foot inside the wrestling ring. The timekeeper immediately rang the bell signifying the match's actual start. The referee moved around the mat, keeping an eye on Kara, Dasha, and Boris while at the same time concentrating on the wrestling match taking place in front of him.

Chris Rodgers: Sokolov not wasting any time here! Oof! Did you see that running clothesline? He took Reinhardt down hard onto the mat!

Scott Slade: Dasha said he was brought here to do a job, and that job starts here tonight with Kronin Reinhardt. I'm sure he'd love nothing more than to spoil the German's return.

Sokolov quickly went for a cover on Kronin and pulled his tights in the process. Still, the German kicked out immediately before even the referee could get down on the wrestling mat. Sokolov hammered Reinhardt with two massive right-hand punches straight to his face as he was getting back to his feet. The mighty blows backed Reinhardt up against the ring ropes and allowed Sokolov to grab hold of the German. Monstrous Russian used all his strength to fling Kronin toward the ropes across from them, but Reinhardt stopped on a dime and reversed the toss. Sokolov bounced into the ropes awkwardly towards Kronin, who grabbed hold of the big man and used all of his strength to pick him up off the mat for a massive black-hole slam.

Scott Slade: The Beautiful disaster, slam! Kronin with a cover!

Chris Rodgers: One! Two!! No!!! Sokolov with a powerful kick out!

Scott Slade: I think Hank just got a big wake up call. If there was any doubt Kronin's back wasn't fully healed, I think that cleared it up right there. That was more than four hundred pounds of he just slammed into the ring. Reinhardt is like a man possessed!

Sokolov was only to his knees when Kronin went back on the attack with a massive front kick to Ruski's midsection. He then followed it up with a colossal haymaker straight to his jaw. Sokolov fell over on his side and rolled back up only to get kicked again by Kronin, this time in the head. Sokolov collapsed on the wrestling mat, which allowed the German the chance to stomp away on his prominent Russian opponent. Kronin continued to stomp a mudhole into Sokolov until referee Bog Sigro got involved and forced Kronin to back off. Kara smiled and nodded to her twin brother as Dasha and Boris screamed and shouted for Sokolov to get up off his ass. Kronin then grabbed Hank with both his hands and pulled him up onto his feet before delivering a vicious headbutt that rocked the Russian right off his feet and flat on his back.

Scott Slade: Man! Kronin Reinhardt is not messing around tonight! He is laying down a beating here on Sokolov early on in this match!

Chris Rodgers: The man's been bound to a wheelchair for months. It's got to feel incredible to be back in the ring. Remember, most doctors said he'd never wrestle again! Hell, most of them thought he'd never walk again, and here he is fighting a mammoth of a man and winning!

Scott Slade: You're right, Chris. The Hammer Industries doctor that performed that experimental spinal surgery was a real miracle worker. I've heard that the procedure worked so well that they think they'll be able to help millions of people around the world walk again.

Kronin bounced off the ropes and then dove at Sokolov, grabbing hold of him with both of his muscular arms. Both men rolled over on the wrestling mat. Reinhardt never released his grip on the Russian and pulled him up before German suplexing him into the ring center. Sokolov laid motionless as his Russian comrades urged him to get back up. Kronin got back to his feet and dove onto Sokolov, covering him for a pin. However, the giant Russian kicked out impressively before the referee could even get to a count of two. This ignited the Mexican fans whose support seemed to be wavering from Reinhardt to Sokolov.

Chris Rodgers: Another powerful kick out from Mr. Hank Sokolov!

Scott Slade: Sokolov so far has been able to shake off most of Kronin's attacks. If he doesn't start mounting some offense, eventually Kronin will hit a big move and end this thing.

Kronin got to his feet, somewhat frustrated, and looked over at his sister Kara. She pointed at Sokolov and then made a cut-throat motion to her brother. Kronin pulled Hank back up onto his feet and cocked back his arm for a massive haymaker, but the Russian had enough awareness to see it coming and blocked it at the last moment. Sokolov quickly returned fire, striking Kronin in the jaw with a mighty right hand. The blow rocked the German and opened him up, allowing Sokolov to hit combo. The Russian struck the German in the sternum and then followed it up with another vicious punch to the face. The fans roared as Sokolov grabbed the stumbling German and tossed him to the ring ropes. Sokolov ducked down for a back body drop, but Kronin regained his composure and instead kicked Sokolov in the face. The kick took Sokolov off his feet, and he landed on his backside with a thud. He then quickly rolled back into the ring's corner to use the ropes to pull himself up.

Scott Slade: Ooh! What a kick to the face! As many of you know, Kronin was a professional soccer player for over a decade before he transitioned into combat sports.

Chris Rodgers: Sokolov's lucky his head's still attached to shoulders! Oh! Ooh! Look out here comes a big SPLASH! Wow!

Scott Slade: The German taking advantage of the situation big time there!

Kroin bounces off the larger Sokolov and then stumbled back before catching his footing and sprinting towards him for a second attempt. Kronin jumped even higher into the air and landed a splash on Hank, knocking the wind out of him for a second time. Kronin then hooked both his arms and belly to belly suplexed behemoth. Sokolov landed rigidly on his back and looked to be in a great deal of pain as Kronin covered the Russian again for a pin.

Scott Slade: Kronin is trying everything he can to put this monstrous Russian away. Here's another cover! O.N.E.!! T.W.O.!!! No, Sokolov kick's out once again, this time with seconds to spare.

Chris Rodgers: Reinhardt's wearing him down, though. You can see it on Sokolov's face. He hasn't had a fight like this in a long time. I doubt it's often that he comes across an opponent like the German Suplex Machine!

Kronin, frustrated with his inability to put Sokolov away, got up and pulled the big man. The German was obviously looking to go to a big power move, but his plan was disrupted when Sokolov broke his grip on him and kicked straight in the gut. Sokolov's power caused Kronin to lurch forward and enabled Hank to reach back and land a massive haymaker punch that knocked Kronin into the ropes. The German bounced off the ring ropes and stumbled into the Russian in a clouded daze only to receive a gigantic shoulder tackle that took him off his feet. The German shot back up instinctively only to receive another shoulder tackle bigger than the last. Once again, Kronin shot back up and took a swing at his large Russian opponent, but missed allowing Sokolov to pick Kronin up and deliver a frightening atomic drop.

Chris Rodgers: Oooh! Kronin is going to feel that for weeks! Sokolov has turned the tide in this match! Wait, what's he doing now?

Scott Slade: It looks like he's gesturing to the crowd. I think I've heard about this. He calls it "demokratizatsiya." If these Mexican fans will it, he's going to unleash his devastating splash. That's 450 pounds of man meat crashing down on your chest cavity.

Chris Rodgers: That sound's almost as bad as LuLu's pancake flop! Just listen to this crowd! They love Sokolov! This doesn't look good for Kronin at all...

Sokolov nodded and bounced off the ropes as Kara Reinhardt pounded the wrestling mat from the outside, screaming Kronin to get up. However, her cries were unable to wake her brother of his stupor. Sokolov leaped up into the air and crushed the German under his own weight before hooking his leg. Sigro dove to the wrestling mat and immediately started the count.

Scott Slade: Devastating splash! O.N.E.!! T.W.O.!!! NO!!! Reinhardt kick's out just at the last second! It took everything he had!

Chris Rodgers: That splash might have broken some of Kronin's ribs.

Scott Slade: No doubt about. My, Oh my, how quickly the tables have turned here!

Hank got back up onto his feet and began to beat his chest like a gorilla before picking up Kronin off the wrestling mat. The Russian Juggernaut then lifted Reinhardt up into the air in a gorilla press before launching five feet up into the air above his head. As Kronin was coming face first down to the mat from 14 feet in the air, Sokolov slugged him as hard as could in the midsection. Kronin crashed hard to the Matt keeled over in an insane amount of pain. The fans roared with excitement after witnessing the insane SOKOLOV SALTO maneuver. Sokolov, distracted with the crowd's applause and his comrade's admiration, did not see Kara Reinhardt dive into the ring and drag her brother out of the ring by his boots.

Chris Rodgers: Now wait a minute! That's cheating!

Scott Slade: Kara, fearing for her brother's safety, pulled him out of the ring, and I don't think the Russians are all too happy about that. Here comes the dynamic duo of Boris and Dasha!

Dasha Ivanova moved in on the two German's and screaming at hollering at them before pushing Kara. The 46-year-old former K.S.K. Special Forces agent lost her cool and attacked Dasha with an ear clap that disoriented her equilibrium. She then took her legs out from under her with a sweeping leg kick and immediately began assaulting her with right hands to her face the moment she hit the ground. Boris rushed up from behind and threw Kara off of his Russian comrade.

Scott Slade: Good lord! All hell is breaking loose here!!

Chris Rodgers: Kronin's sister is going berserk on these Russians!

The fans roared with excitement as the chaos outside of the ring ensued. As soon as Kara hit the floor, she was instantly back on her feet and on the attack. The seven-foot Boris turned with only a second to spare and stopped her with a front kick to her midsection. He then viciously grabbed hold of her torso and gut wrench power bombed her like a rag doll on the concrete floor. Kara's head whacked the bottom hard, knocking her completely unconscious. Sokolov yelled at Boris to toss Kronin back into the ring. Kronin was still on the floor and writhing in pain, holding his ribcage with a grimacing look on his face.

Chris Rodgers: Jesus Christ! Someone get the medical team out here now! Kara Reinhardt just had her melon cracked open! That was absolutely vicious! These soulless Russians have no remorse for their opponents!

Scott Slade: You've got a feel for the Reinhardt family. It's been a rough year for them, and life only seems to be getting worse...

Boris Drago picked Kronin, gorilla pressed him up high over his head and tossed him back into the ring. Sigro looked displeased with all the outside interference and violence but allowed the match to continue. Sokolov wasted no time stomping away on the injured Kronin before picking him up off the mat and breaking him almost in two with a vicious backbreaker. Kronin let out an ugly guttural sound as Hank pushed his motionless body off his knee and onto the wrestling mat. Hank then covered the German and hooked his leg for a pin.

Scott Slade: Oh, no! A terrible backbreaker by Sokolov! Here's the count, O.N.E.! T.W.O.!! THREE!! It's over! Hank Sokolov has done it! His first match in Ultimate Wrestling is a victory! Ladies and gentlemen, let's hope that Kronin hasn't reinjured that spine after that nasty backbreaker.

Chris Rodgers: Sokolov knew what he was doing. He wanted to break in half! He wanted to cripple him! This man is a sociopath, just like Evolution!

Boris and Dasha joined Hank in the ring, and after a short celebration, the Russian's made it a point to disrespect Kronin by spitting on him.



The Red Army Choir began to play over the stadium's sound system as referee Bob Sigro lifted Sokolov's big arm into the air signifying him as the match-winner. The three Russians then made their way out of the ring and backed up the ramp as the Medical team lead by Dr. William Drake rushed out to Kronin and Kara.

Holly Hudson: ¡El ganador de este partido! Hank Sokolov!

Scott Slade: Fans, we've got to take a quick commercial break, but when we come back, we've got more heart-stopping action coming your way.

Chris Rodgers: Our thoughts and prayers with Reinhardt's...


Valora was backstage in the women's locker room, sitting at a table, finishing some of her pre-match preparations. Abbigail Dresden and Samantha were nearby, looking at her. Both Abbigail and Samantha were very concerned about what Valora was walking into.

Abbigail Dresden: Damn it, Val! Let Kara and I provide backup!"

Valora, who is busy putting on Aztec style war paint, shook her head. For some reason, she added a couple of Viking style runes to the face paint before taking a deep breath and then looked up at the sky. "I hope you're watching, Lenneth." She says under her breath

Valora: "No. This is a hitjob, plain and simple—no reason to add more targets to the list. Right now, this is a no-win situation for Anderson. Either his team kicks the shit out of me, which is the expected result, or the unfairness hurts him and boosts me. "Valora said, holding her smartphone while queuing up a fan video. "Man Valora is such a badass it takes 4 people to take her down!!" Valora smirks. I beat his team, and now he has boosted my legend even more because not even 4 men could take me out. Either way, I win. I walk out with backup; it sends the message he wants me to send… that I'm scared of him. Of his power. Fuck that noise."

Abbigail Dresden: "Well, rely on Sato! He won't take part in this... His honor forbids it."

Valora paused as she stood and turned to head out and then turned back to look at Abbigail.

Valora: "Tell you that himself, did he? Well, I hate to rain on your parade and Sato's... But… Ares has no honor. His rebellion isn't about the people. It's about his ego. I've seen people like him before, for fuck's sake, I was people like him before! Sato will not back down from a fight because if he does, next week, it will be him taking on 4 people. I'm fine with this... Now… I gotta go do my thing."

As Valora turns to leave, Abbigail calls after.

Abbigail: "You're crazy, you know that?! How can you be alright with this?!"

Valora smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

Valora: "Because Chica… like I said... I already won this war.. And because...This is the Way!"

She turned and to head out; Samantha walked up, shaking her head, resting a hand on Abbigail's shoulder.

Samantha: "Apt choice of ending... That woman is such a Mandalorian…"

Abbigail Dresden: Fuck that noise. I'm going out there with her whether she wants me to or not. This situation is just too dangerous for her not to have someone out there watching her back...








Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestro próximo partido es el primero de dos, cuatro contra uno, handicap! ¡Las reglas estándar del equipo de etiqueta estarán vigentes para nuestro equipo de cuatro personas! ¡Presentamos primero a nuestros campeones reinantes en parejas! ¡LuLu Biggs y nuestro campeón de franquicia de lucha libre suprema, Huckleberry! ¡Acompañándolos esta noche como sus socios Phillip Morris y el hombre conocido solo como The Reaganator!

"Old Town Road" started to play as LuLu Biggs walked out first with Huckleberry and his manager Slick Mick right behind him. The fans booed them heavily as the masked vigilante, the Reaganator, and Morris followed slowly behind them. The Mexican fans attempted to pelt them with food and garbage, much to their annoyance.

Chris Rodgers: Wow! Now that's a team! These Mexicans need to show a little respect to this All-American squad!

Scott Slade: Yeah, not the most popular team ever assembled on Mexican soil. These fans absolutely despise these four.

Once inside the ring, a debate ensued over who would be the first fighter to start the match against Jeremiah. Suddenly the group's music was cut, and "Down Low" by R. Kelly began to play over the sound system. Jeremiah Vastrix stepped out onto the stage with a massive ovation from the Hispanic crowd, who was entirely behind him. Jeremiah was solo tonight, having sent Olivia back to their family Mansion in Hong Kong after his near-death experience with the Reaganator. Jeremiah's eyes glowed bright blue as he scanned his opponents with his cybernetic eyes.

Holly Hudson: ¡Su oponente! ¡Proveniente de Hong Kong! ¡El regalo de Dios a las mujeres! ¡Nuestro contendiente número uno para el Campeonato de Franquicias! Jeremías VASTRIX. !!!

Chris Rodgers: If there is one thing that could possibly even the odd's in this handicap match, it's those two bright glowing orbs in that cyborg's skull.

Scott Slade: No doubt about it, Chris. Jeremiah's "cyber eyes," as he calls them, and his cybernetic brain enhancements allow him to read and anticipate his opponent's moves at an inhuman rate. There is even suspicion that he can copy his opponent's moves and fighting styles and store them for later use. Many in the sporting world have criticized Mr. Mudcock's decision to allow Jeremiah to continue wrestling with this edge over his opponents. Banning them, however, would leave Jeremiah blind as a bat and unable to continue his passion for wrestling.

Chris Rodgers: Well, it's not like he's never been defeated. It's doable, and these four seem more than capable of overcoming it.

Jeremiah slowly climbed up the steel steps and entered the wrestling ring, and began scanning his opponents. Huckleberry, determined to give Jeremiah a preview of what was in store for him at Ultra Slam, jumped into the ring to take him on first. The referee gave the signal, and the timekeeper sounded the bell signifying the start of the match. The Huckster and Jeremiah locked up in the ring's center in a grapple like two bulls locking horns. Jeremiah out powered the slower Huckleberry, shoved him into his corner, and then smiled confidently before egging him to come at him.

Chris Rodgers: Jeremiah looks confident for a man who's fighting four opponents.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah might not have the highest win percentage in Ultimate Wrestling, but he's never walked away from a challenge either. That man lives for competition, and I think he's looking at this match as a chance for him to prove to the world again that he deserves the Franchise Championship!

Chris Rodgers: Hmpf! Easier said than done. That crazy little hillbilly has more lives than a stray cat! He's wrestled an alligator, survived being poisoned by Emperor Kim Jung Un and beaten Valora Salinas in a one on one no holds barred wrestling match.

Scott Slade: A valid point, Chris, and that's just what we've been lucky to catch on camera. Who knows what kind of shenanigans this guy get's himself into when he's not wrestling.

The two wrestlers locked up again, and this time the Huckster was able to wrap Vastrix up into a headlock. Vastrix quickly fought out of it, though, and then once again shoved Huckleberry back into his corner. A frustrated Huckleberry flipped off Jeremiah while cussing up a storm before tagging in his tag team partner LuLu Biggs. Biggs entered the ring aggressively and stomped both of his massive legs into the mat before charging in at Jeremiah. Much to the crowd's shock, Jeremiah cloned his movements and then charged in meeting the 600-pound pimp in the ring center.

Scott Slade: No love lost between these two individuals. Since day one, LuLu Biggs has had beef with Jeremiah. It's gotten nasty at times and has even involved Jeremiah's girlfriend, Olivia.

Chris Rodgers: Yeah! LuLu's Ho's totally thrashed Olivia on Friday Night Clash 11!

The impact was incredible, and Biggs's weight and power advantage backed Jeremiah up against the ropes. Jeremiah kneed his obese opponent just above the groin and then used all his strength to bounce the fat man into the ropes. Biggs stumbled forward, unable to control his inertia. This allowed the cyborg to run up behind LuLu as he was trying to stop his forward motion. Jeremiah leaped up into the air, grabbed Biggs by the head, and took him down to the wrestling mat face first with a bulldog slam. The entire ring shook when LuLu's body hit the wrestling mat as the fans roared with excitement and chanted on Jeremiah. Vastrix jumped to his feet with great enthusiasm.

Scott Slade: What a maneuver! Jeremiah looks pleased with the way he's started this match.

Chris Rodgers: Keep in mind, while Biggs did score a victory over Jeremiah, it was with the help of a small electromagnetic device. It shut down all of Jeremiah's cybernetics, leaving him blind in the ring.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah walked out of that feud with multiple cracked ribs. He got even with Biggs, but the bad blood isn't buried. I bet he'd love nothing better than to embarrass the fat man here tonight.

Jeremiah got to his feet and attempted to roll LuLu onto his back, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not flip him over. The crowd couldn't help but laugh as Jeremiah gave up on the attempt. With Biggs still laying on the mat face first, he dashed over to the corner where the rest of his opponents were standing and discuss elbowed Phillip Morris in the jaw. The blow sent Morris off the apron and hard onto the floor as his teammates tried to grab hold of the cyborg unsuccessfully. As Vastrix turned his attention back to Biggs, the big man was almost back up onto this feet. Frustrated with his poor start, LuLu charged toward Jeremiah attempting to clothesline him. His attack did not go according to plan; however, as Jeremiah dropped down and pulled the top rope down with him, just a Biggs was lunging at him. LuLu's momentum sent him over the top rope and onto the floor with a thunderous impact. The larger six hundred pounders let out a guttural scream as he held his back and right hip in agonizing pain.

Chris Rodgers: Good Lord, all mighty! Jeremiah is absolutely making fools of this team. Mr. Anderson is probably having an aneurysm somewhere backstage right now. This is not going according to plan at all...

Scott Slade: Two out of the four are injured on the floor. Huckleberry or The Reaganator need to get in there get control of this thing.

The Mexican fans chanted Jeremiah's name as he showboated a little for them while antagonizing Huckleberry. Vastrix then slid out of the ring and got on the floor as LuLu was just starting to get back onto his feet. The cyborg slammed into the big sumo wrestler with a shoulder block and knocked him into the steel guard railing, further injuring his back. Jeremiah grabbed hold of LuLu's arm and used every ounce of his strength to send him toward the ring apron. LuLu's big belly slammed into the edge of the ring just as Slick Mick attempted to come at Jeremiah. The cyborg's cybernetic eye caught him coming, however. It alerted Jeremiah in time, allowing him to nail the pimp straight in the jaw with a powerful standing super sidekick that laid him out flat on his back. The crowd roared with excitement as Huckleberry, and the Reganator helped pull LuLu back up onto the wrestling ring.

Scott Slade: God damn! Jeremiah almost took Slick Mick's head off with that kick!

Chris Rodgers: Looks like he pulled that one out of Sato's arsenal. I think Slick just learned Jeremiah is not an easy man to sneak upon.

With LuLu now back in the ring, the rotund pimp limped over this corner and tagged Huckleberry back into the match. Jeremiah slid into the ring, igniting the crowd as he got back on his feet and began to exchange punches with Appalachian. Huckleberry somehow managed to land a wild uppercut, which sent the cyborg back into the turnbuckle. The Huckster then kicked him straight in the gut and grabbed Vastrix by his head. He then used all of his hillbilly strength to lift the much larger Jeremiah up for a beautifully executed suplex. He then covered Jeremiah, immediately hooking his tights for good measure.

Scott Slade: Here we go! First pin attempt for Mr. Anderson's team!! One, NO!!!

Chris Rodgers: A mighty kick out from Jeremiah Vastrix! It looks like it's to take a hell of a lot more than that tonight to put away the mechanical man!

Huckleberry picked up Jeremiah and dragged him a bit over to his corner before tagging the Reaganator and locking Jeremiah into a cross-armbar submission hold. The start spangled Assasin stepped into the ring, and went to work right away on Jeremiah with a powerful kick to his wide-open midsection. The crowd booed heavily, feeling the momentum of the match was shifting. The cowled crusader continued his assault on his cyborg target, stomping away on his organic spine. The Reagnator stopped his stomp down and acknowledged the boing fans giving them all the double-fingered salute. This allowed Jeremiah to get somewhat back to his feet before being assaulted again with another power sidekick from the masked man. The cyborg landed prone on the bottom ring rope, which allowed the Reaganator to come up from behind and step on the back of his neck, cutting off Jeremiah's airway.

Scott Slade: This is the first time were seeing the Reaganator in Tag Team action. Of course, last month, we saw him take on Phillip Morris in an absolute slugfest, which he managed to barely win.

Chris Rodgers: Well, he looks well in control here. He's helped stem the tide and is now really punishing Jeremiah!

Referee Bob Sigro moved in and grabbed the Reganator, pulling him off of Jeremiah and breaking up the illegal chokehold. Jeremiah laid pronely exhausted, gasping for air on the bottom ring ropes. Sigro, busy with Reaganator screaming at him, opened up an opportunity for Huckleberry to jump down the floor and grab hold of Jeremiah's head. The little hillbilly continued to strangle Jeremiah for another full ten seconds until the referee turned around. Jeremiah rolled off the ring ropes holding his throat, struggling to get oxygen into his lungs as the cowled crusader went back to work, stomping on him. He then walked over confidently and tagged Huckleberry again just as Morris finally got back up onto the ring apron. Huckster entered the ring and continued the stomp down before dropping a sharp elbow on the back of the cyborg's neck. He then locked Jeremiah into a cross-face submission hold.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah is in a world of hurt right now, and without a partner, he's going to have to find a way to fight his way back into the match.

Chris Rodgers: I think walking out of this under his own power and not on a stretcher will be an achievement. Yeah, he came in gun's blazing and put on a show early, but reality has set in now! Just look at the Huckster wrench back on that neck! He wants to take him out now! He can't wait for Ultra Slam!

With the Spanish crowd behind him chanting his name, Jeremiah somehow fought out of the hold. He dragged the little Appalachain back up onto his feet along with him. Jeremiah then began hammering him in the midsection with strong lefts and rights to back him up before grabbing hold of him and whipping him toward the turnbuckle. Huckleberry, however, using his incredible agility and balance, managed to reverse the toss, and Jeremiah ended up being the one whacking the turnbuckle with his backside. The cyborg slumped in the corner as the Huckster sprinted in after Jeremiah and nailed him with a spear to his vulnerable ribcage that was still on the mend. Jeremiah stumbled out of the corner, holding his midsection while seething in pain. Huckleberry took the opportunity to go to the ropes to build up momentum for a big move. Jeremiah's eyes read his movements, though, and he jolted to life, nailing him with a leaping ax handle smash straight to his forehead. Both wrestlers collapsed to the mat and laid there, breathing, trying to regain their composure.

Scott Slade: Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!

Chris Rodgers: Now that's the way to halt your opponent's momentum! If this is a small sample of what we got in-store for Ultra Slam, the main event will be an excellent old fashioned Slobber Knocker!

Scott Slade: No doubt about Chris! Tickets go on sale tomorrow, fans! Don't miss the chance to attend our biggest show of the year in person! It's the Super Bowl of Wrestling! ULTRA SLAM!!!

The two fighters rolled around on the ring, Huckleberry holding his face and Jeremiah his ribs. Huckleberry managed to get up first and dove toward his team, tagging in Phillip Morris, who'd to this point had been a none factor in the match. Jeremiah got back up to his feet shaken, but still capable of fighting on. His cybernetic eye caught Morris coming at him soon after entering the ring, and he instantly went on the attack. The cyborg cut off the southerner with a clothesline that took him straight down to the wrestling mat with a thud. Morris leaped back up onto his feet with a kip-up. He went right back after Jeremiah only to get nailed again with another powerful clothesline. The fans roared as Jeremiah took back control of the match. Jeremiah then grabbed hold of Morris's head and delivered an epic cyborg death drop before covering him for a pin.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah for the upset! One!! Two!!! No!!! Morris kicked out just in time! An impressive kick out from the young gun.

Chris Rodgers: We haven't seen very many kick-out of the death drop. Morris looks in bad shape, though, and needs to tag out; otherwise, this team will be embarrassed.

Jeremiah got up and started dancing like a smooth criminal before picking up Morris and locking his head in a headlock. The fans roared as Jeremiah nearly twisted his head off with an impressive swinging neck breaker dubbed the "Down Low." Morris laid unconscious on the mat, and a panicked Biggs and Reaganator attempted rushed into the ring to try and save the match. Jeremiah saw them coming, though, and caught each of them back to back with a superkick to the jaw. LuLu was rocked so hard from the kick he received that he stumbled backward and crashed onto the floor for a second time. Huckleberry also tried to jump into the ring, but the referee stopped him threatening to disqualify the entire group. With LuLu on the floor screaming in pain and the Reaganator unconscious, Jeremiah went to the ropes. He dropped the infamous cyborg leg drop on Morris before covering him for a pin.

Scott Slade: The cyborg leg drop! A cover!! This could be it!!!

Chris Rodgers: One! Two!! Three!!! I can't believe it!!!




Scott Slade: Jeremiah has beaten the odds! What a performance! He's absolutely decimated this team Anderson put together! LuLu is still on the floor, and I think he might be crying!

Chris Rodgers: I'm not surprised! Felt like a damn earthquake when he hit the floor! His tailbones got to be shattered into pieces!

Holly Hudson: The winner of this handicap match, "God's gift" Jeremiah Vastrix!

Referee Bob Sigro raised Jeremiah's hand high into the air, signaling him as the match's winner. At the same time, Down Low by Mr. R. Kelly played on over the stadium's speaker system. The smooth grove of R. Kelly sent the fans into a dancing flash mob, as they all copied Jeremiah's "Cyborg Shimmy Shake" dance move in celebration. Huckleberry watched idiots in the crowd celebrating and grew furious. He reached down deep into his wrestling trunks and pulled out his trusty Blackjack. He then entered the ring and carefully stormed in behind Jeremiah and attacked him from his blindspot. The fans erupted in boo's as the American hillbilly whacked Jeremiah in the back of his skull, knocking him out cold instantly. Jeremiah collapsed face-first on the wrestling mat. Bob Sigro desperately tried to stop Huckleberry and received an Alabama slam for his troubles.

Scott Slade: Now wait just a minute! This is ridiculous! What kind of behavior is this from the Franchise Champion! He is supposed to be the icon of our sport.

Chris Rodgers: It would appear that the Huckster is quite the sore loser. Perhaps spending all this time around LuLu Biggs is rubbing off on him?

Scott Slade: Yeah, but what did the referee do wrong? He's just doing his job! What is this deplorable white trash scumbag doing now? Wait a minute! He can't!

Chris Rodgers: Is that a swiss army pocket knife? Is he doing what I think he's doing?

Scott Slade: This is going too far! He's trying to pry one of Jeremiah's cybernetic eye's out!

Chris Rodgers: Who's gonna stop him?

Huckleberry switched open the blade on his trusty pocket knife he's pulled out from his wrestling boot and went to work with it on. After a few minutes, the Appalachian hillbilly had successfully pried out and disconnected Jeremiah's left cyber-eye. The fans looked on horrified as the little hillbilly asininely danced around, liked he'd just won the world series holding his high tech trophy.

Chris Rodgers: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've seen it all now, and I'm pretty sure you have to. In all my years in professional, I've seen anything like this!

Scott Slade:Fans, we've got cut to a commercial break, but when we come back, we've got more action coming your way!

Click here for part 3: @ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-10-friday-night-clash-16-part-3

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