The3 things- Making us unsuccessful.

Dear All,

we know multiple reasons for being unsuccessful via different perspective i have tried to list down 3 main reasons as per my understanding
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  1. Unknown thirst:-
    Every person has multiple thoughts coming and going, which indicates you are alive. some powerful thoughts create some desire and make you thirsty, unknowingly we just wish to satisfy our every single thrust to feel successful makes us unsuccessful .
    Instead of fulfilling the every unknown artificial thirst we should purify our desire or thirst to focus on fulfilling the source of thirst which can make the difference .
    Knowing our source of thirst is the first step of being success ,else it is like covering one holes of a pipe without switching of the main motor and celebrating that you have patched the hole .it will only feel you successful till the time you see, water coming out form an another hole, and as soon as you cover the another one the first one will also start flowing out .
    artificial unknown thirst are created by our sense organs and and working for fulfilling them with a sence it will lead us to source is illusion .we have to work the other way round.
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  2. Unknown Laziness:- Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired .laziness is sickness to success .Success is not easy and it is certainly not for the lazy .laziness is a dangerous thing , laziness will destroy you if you don’t destroy it. Work will pay off later and laziness pays of now .laziness fuels more laziness , activity fuels more activity , laziness is mother of all bad habits . People who are in the habit of enjoying the comfort of inaction often pay a high price in the end. So just Identify your laziness , list down them and purify them one by one to awareness.
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  3. Unknown division :–
    There is no need to be more, we are enough & everybody is enough , only thing making us unsuccessful is unknowingly and unintentionally we are dividing our self and the bigger worry is instead of making effort to club them we are making effort of dividing them more, we live in part our mind is at one place , our heart is at another place and our body is at another place ,our body is rarely aligned with our mind and heart ,we are just continuously jumping , we see one thing, we hear something another we feel something else.
    Just imagine function of a body with separated parts ,it cant function at its best , same a person without a synced dimension of all his attributes can’t function at its best .
    Clubbing all part and living with oneness is the best way for being successful ,it just create a revolution within .
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picture & quotation line source-google search.

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