One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman: Part Four

The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman


The two kings find that the genie has even worst things done to him than to them. So they return to their cities.

And King Schahriar starts to kill one virgin girl every day after having slept with her. Until the two daughters of the vizier, Sheherazade and Doniazade, were the only virgins left in the city

Sheherazade (or Schahrazade) means "The Daughter of the City". And Doniazade means "The Daughter of the World.

Part Four

Then the teenager looked up to the top of the tree and saw the two kings hidden in the tree. Immediately she lifted the genie's head from her knees, put it on the ground, and, standing under the tree, she said to them by signs: "Come down and do not be afraid of this genie. They answered her with signs: “Oh! by Allah upon you! exempt us from this dangerous business!" She said to them: “By Allah upon you both! get down as soon as possible, otherwise I'll warn the genie and he'll kill you the worst death!" So they were afraid and went down to her; and she rose to receive them and immediately said to them: “Come on! Pierce me with the spear a violent and hard piercing! Otherwise, I will notify the genie!” Fear caused Schahriar to say to Schahzaman: “O my brother, you are the first to do what she commands!" He answered: “Oh! I will do nothing of it until you give me the example, you, my eldest!" And both began to invite each other by making signs of copulation with their eyes. So she said to them: “Why do I see you blinking like this? If you don't step forward right away and don't do it to me, I'll let the genie know right away!" Then, because of their fear of the genie, they both did with her as she had ordered them. When they had emptied themselves well, she said to them: “How expert you are! Then she took a small bag out of her pocket and took out a necklace made up of five hundred and seventy seals, and said to them: “Do you know what this is?" They said to her: “We don't know." So she said to them, "The owners of these seals have all copulated with me on the callous horns of this genie." So then, you two brothers, give me yours. So they gave her, taking them out of their hands, two seals. She then said to them: "Know that this genie took me on my wedding night, placed me in a box and, putting the box in the crate, fixed seven padlocks on the crate, and then put me at the bottom of the roaring sea. colliding and colliding with the waves. But he did not know that when a woman among us desires something, nothing can overcome her. And the poet says, moreover:

Friend ! do not trust women and smile at their promises!
Because their good or bad mood depends on the whim of their vulva!

They lavish lying love, while perfidy fills them
And forms the stuffing of their garments.

Remember with respect the Words of Youssouf.
And do not forget that Eblis had Adam expelled because of the Woman.

Stop blaming too, friend. There is no use!
For tomorrow, with the one you blame, simple love will be succeeded by mad passion.

And do not say: "If I am in love, I will avoid the follies of lovers!" Don't say it.
It would be a miracle, indeed, to see a man escape safe and sound from the seduction of women.

At these words, the two brothers marveled almost to wonder, and they said to each other: 'If that one is a genie, and despite his power, much bigger things have happened to him than to us, this is an adventure that should console us!"

So they left the young woman at the same time, and each returned to his town.

When King Schahriar entered his palace, he had his wife's neck cut off, and similarly the necks of female slaves and male slaves. Then he ordered his vizier to bring him a young virgin every night. And every night he took a virgin girl like that and robbed her of her virginity. And in the morning, he killed her. And he continued to do so for the length of three years. So the humans were in the cries of pain and the tumult of terror, and they fled with what remained of their daughters. And there was not a girl left in the city fit to serve as a one-night stand with the sultan.

Meanwhile, the king ordered the vizier to bring him a young girl, as usual. And the vizier went out and searched, but found no daughter; and, very sad, very afflicted, he returned to his home, his soul full of terror because of the King.

Now, this vizier himself had two daughters full of beauty, charm, brilliance, perfection, and delicious taste. The name of the eldest was Scheherazade, and the name of the little one was Doniazade. The eldest, Scheherazade, had read the books, the annals, the legends of ancient kings, and the stories of past peoples. It is also said that she possessed a thousand books of stories relating to the peoples of past ages and the kings of antiquity and the poets. And she was very eloquent and very pleasant to listen to.

Seeing her father, she said, “Why do I see you so changed, bearing the burden of sorrows and afflictions? For know, O father, that the poet says: “O you who grieve, console yourself! Nothing can last: all joy vanishes and all sadness is forgotten!"

When the vizier heard these words, he told his daughter everything that had happened, from the beginning to the end, concerning the King. Then Scheherazade said to him: “By Allah! O father, marry me to this King. Either I will live, or I will be a ransom for the daughters of the Muslims and the cause of their deliverance from the hands of the King! So he said to her: “By Allah upon you! do not expose yourself thus to peril ever!" She said to him: "You absolutely have to do that!" So he said, "Take care that what happened to the donkey and the ox with the master of the plow doesn't happen to you! So listen: ...

To be continued...

Part One - Part Two - Part Three

Part 5

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