One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman: Part Two

The Story of King Schahriar and his brother King Schahzaman


Everything was fine until King Schahzaman discovers that his wife is not faithful.

Moreover, he also discovers that his brother's wife is also not faithful!

It seems strange, in my opinion, that he seems happy that the behavior of his brother's wife is worse that the one of his wife. But when he told his brother, there is no reaction.

Once again, there are descriptions of sexual behavior.

Part Two

King Schahzaman made his vizier governor of the country and left to travel to his brother's lands.

But, about the middle of the night, he remembered something that he had forgotten in the palace. So he came back and entered the palace. And he found his wife lying on her bed with a black slave. At this sight, the world darkens in his face. And he said in his soul: "If such an adventure has occurred when I have just left my town, what would be the behavior of this debauchery if I were absent for some time at my brother's house?" With that, he drew his sword and, striking the two, killed them on the couch. Then he returned immediately and ordered the departure of the camp. And they traveled by night until they arrived at his brother's city.

Then his brother rejoiced at his approach, and went out to him and, receiving him, wished him peace; and he rejoiced beyond joy, decorated the city for him, and began to speak to him expansively. But King Schahzaman remembered his wife's adventure, and a cloud of grief veiled his face, and his complexion had become yellow and his body weak. When King Schahriar saw him in this state, he thought in his soul that it was due to the removal of King Schahzaman from his country and his kingdom and, not asking him anything more on this subject, he left him in his way. But, one of these days, he said to him: “O my brother, I do not know why! but I see your body losing weight and your complexion turning yellow!" He answered: “O my brother, I have in my intimate being a living wound." But he did not tell him what he had seen his wife doing. King Schahriar said to him: “I really want you to go hunting with me on foot and with hounds because perhaps this will expand your chest." But King Schahzaman would not accept, and his brother went hunting alone.

Now there were windows in the king's palace that looked out on the garden, and as King Schahzaman was leaning on them to look out, the door of the palace opened, and out came twenty female slaves and twenty male slaves; and the wife of his brother, was in the midst of them walking in all her dazzling beauty. Arrived at a pool, they all undressed and mingled among themselves. And suddenly the King's wife exclaimed: "O Massaoud! Ya Massaoud!" And immediately a sturdy young black man ran up to her and hugged her, and she hugged him too. Then the black slave threw her on her back and charged her. At this signal, all the other male slaves did the same with the women. And all of them went on like this for a long time and only ended their kisses, hugs, copulations, and other similar things at dawn.

At this sight, King Schahzaman said in his soul: “By Allah! my calamity is much lighter than this calamity!" And immediately he let his affliction and his sorrow vanish, saying to himself: “Verily, this is worse than all that has happened to me!" And, from that moment, he resumed eating and drinking without stopping.

In the meantime, King Shahriar, his brother, returned from his trip, and both mutually wished each other peace. Then King Schahriar began to observe his brother King Schahzaman, and he saw that his colors and complexion had returned and that his countenance had revived; and that, moreover, he ate with all his soul after having eaten not much food for so long. And he was surprised and said: “O my brother, I saw you once yellow in complexion and face, and now the colors have returned to you! Tell me about your condition." He replied: “I will tell you the cause of my first pallor, but please exempt me from telling you why the colors came back to me!" The King said to him: “Tell me then first so that I can hear the cause of your change of complexion and your weakness." He replied: “O my brother, know that when you sent your vizier to me to require my presence here, I made my preparations to leave, and I left my city. But then I remembered the jewel which I intended for you and which I gave you at the palace: so I retraced my steps and found my wife lying with a black slave asleep on my bed! I killed them both, and I came to you, and I was very tortured by the thought of this adventure, and that is the reason for my first pallor and my weight loss. As for the return of my complexion, exempt me from mentioning it to you!"

When his brother heard these words, he said to him: “By Allah! I adjure you to tell me the cause of the return of your complexion!" Then King Schahzaman told him everything he had seen. And King Schahriar said: “First of all, I must see this with my own eyes!" His brother said to him: “Then pretend to go hunting on foot and with hounds; but hide in my house, and you will witness the spectacle and you will verify it by sight!"

To be continued...'

Part One

Part Three

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