✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media

#911Truth Part 11 911 Alchemy Documentary.jpeg

In #911Truth Part 11, I have uploaded (with permission) Christian Hampton’s epic and game changing documentary on 9/11, the advanced technology involved, and the continual coverup by controlled opposition “truth” movements. Chris uses his skills as an audio engineer and filmmaker to build upon the work of Dr. Judy Wood, and by focusing on the advanced holographic image projection technology used to mimic large Boeing airliners. Directed (Free) Energy Technology (DEW) is the main type of technology used on 9/11; from creating “plane” illusions to turning 7 large world trade center towers to dust, steering a giant Hurricane Erin off the coast, altering the Earth’s magnetic field, levitating cars, and interfering with nearby cameras and phones; on this day September 11, 2001, 17 years ago, energy, matter, metal, elements, and our very reality was manipulated before our very eyes. And it is long overdue that we begin wrapping our minds around what our eyes saw but our minds initially couldn't comprehend...

Chris joins the ranks of Dr. Judy Wood in being one of only a few to have trusted what their own eyes were telling them, instead of the scripted propaganda coming out of the mainstream and controlled alternative radio, TV, and online media outlets. From demonstrating that the impossible cartoon physics of large aluminum commercial planes flying at abnormal high speed at low altitude, with no trailing air vortex, very little sound, effortlessly gliding through solid steel girders, impact hole showing no evidence of “planes” nor even high heat as people were seen alive and well in the impact holes, and verifying without a shadow of doubt it was not merely “video fakery”, to demonstrating how disinfo alternative agents and groups have blatant Occult/Freemason connections, and to foreshadowing of 9/11 throughout movies, TV shows, and even throughout history; Chris Hampton provides the most complete picture of the entirety of the events that unfolded that day.

Furthermore, Chris Hampton, and the entire crew at Wolf Clan Media, demonstrate that the “other” 9/11 sites: the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, correlate in almost the same way as with the World Trade Center destruction. Once again Energy was Directed to create a hole in the Pentagon, and in the ground at Shanksville; both sites also showing no evidence of conventional planes; neither impacting or remaining after the holes were made. Chris also has the keen eye to match the events at all the sites to the minute by minute magnetometer readings of the Earth’s Magnetic Field. Absolutely insightful and fascinating stuff!

While 9/11 represents the point at which the world officially moved to one governed by fear, death, destruction, war, genocide, surveillance, ignorance, hopelessness, and inhumanity; the equal and opposite of this reality has been officially revealed possible: free energy, free thinking, hope, peace, knowledge, understanding, Alchemy of matter and consciousness, and the dustification of the mental walls that prevent us from seeing reality for what it truly is…. And now we just have the choice to face reality with a clear and hopeful mind.

Stay Tuned for #911Truth Part 12…

Wolf Clan Media Links

Support Wolf Clan Media by buying a DVD of this amazing documentary: https://wolfclanmedia.org/product/dvd-911-alchemy-facing-reality/
Subscribe to WCM’s YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCR6RTIyGcC1uM3oRXuMaAQ

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Video Timestamps

The timestamps of key areas of the video are listed below.

  1. 0:00 - Introduction by Christian Hampton
  2. 1:13 - Predictive Programming?
  3. 3:52 - William (Bill) Cooper 9/11 Prediction
  4. 4:59 - President Eisenhower Farewell Speech
  5. 6:42 - The Energy Issue
  6. 7:30 - Controlled Demolitions
  7. 8:30 - Missing Rubble & Missing Seismic Impact
  8. 10:54 – Black Budget Technology
  9. 13:03 – The Aether
  10. 14:50 – Earth’s Magnetic Field
  11. 15:46 – Hurricane Erin, Tesla Coils, & the day before 9/11
  12. 20:17 – Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
  13. 24:35 – Dr. Judy Wood’s Qui Tam Case
  14. 24:46 - John Hutchison
  15. 27:01 – Awareness Test
  16. 27:50 – “Video Fakery” Disinformation
  17. 36:47 – Richard Hall’s 3D Model Radar Analysis
  18. 40:59 – The “POD/Drone Theory” Disinformation
  19. 43:25 – Dr. Morgan Reynolds Qui Tam Case
  20. 51:55 – Government Contractors: ARA and SAIC
  21. 58:04 –3D Projection and Holographic Technology
  22. 1:03:28 – Gelatin and Ace Baker Disinformation
  23. 1:09:46 – Real Time Holographic Visualization
  24. 1:12:11 – Quasicrystals
  25. 1:17:30 – Qui Tam Cases Dismissal and Coverup
  26. 1:19:04 – Steven Jones and Cold Fusion Coverup
  27. 1:22:14 – Missile Disinformation
  28. 1:25:23 – Shanksville: No Plane Debris at Crash Site
  29. 1:27:44 – Flight 93 Flight Path
  30. 1:32:34 – Flight 77: No Plane Debris at Pentagon
  31. 1:34:27 – Pentagon Damage
  32. 1:35:34 – Flight 93: Phantom Airplane
  33. 1:36:35 – Shiny Lights / White Orbs Spotted
  34. 1:39:46 – Mysterious White Planes
  35. 1:41:09 – Disappearing Plane Wings
  36. 1:42:42 – Shutter Speed vs Frame Rate
  37. 1:46:40 – 1980s Holographic UFOs and Aliens
  38. 1:48:12 – Gelatin in Holography Technology
  39. 1:49:09 – Occult Patterns: 2001: A Space Odyssey
  40. 1:52:37 – Occult Patterns: Monolith on 1/1/2001
  41. 1:53:49 – Occult Patterns: Disinfo Agents
  42. 1:55:38 – Occult Patterns: Consent and 9/11 Numerology
  43. 1:57:53 – Project Blue Beam
  44. 1:59:17 – DEW: Holes
  45. 2:02:18 – DEW: Jumpers
  46. 2:04:09 – DEW: Star Wars in Iraq & Pentagon
  47. 2:05:15 – DEW: Warped Columns
  48. 2:08:35 – DEW: Elevators, Pipes, Concrete Cracking Up
  49. 2:11:07 – The “Flash Frame”
  50. 2:12:44 – DEW: Side Effects, Camera Glitches, Burger King Outage
  51. 2:15:24 – Magnetic Camera Tape
  52. 2:17:23 – Power Outages, Unburnt Paper, and Levitation
  53. 2:19:08 – Transmutation: Fusion, Fuming
  54. 2:22:19 – Flight 93: Cottage in Ruins
  55. 2:23:00 – Fuming for Years
  56. 2:24:27 – Iron-Rich Spheres: WTC, Crop Circles, Tunguska Event
  57. 2:27:11 – Crop Circles: Rapid Crystal Growth, Levitation, High Energy
  58. 2:30:24 – Pump Wells & Plant Filtration: Iron Contamination in Soil
  59. 2:33:46 – Flight 93: Energy Effects on Trees
  60. 2:35:30 – Space & Perception: Facing Reality
  61. 2:38:56 – Strategic Defense Initiative: & Project Blue Beam
  62. 2:41:24 – Project for the New American Century: Weaponization of Space
  63. 2:44:25 – Ashe Conformity Experiments
  64. 2:45:53 – Psychological Warfare: War of the Worlds and 9/11
  65. 2:51:28 – David Rockefeller: WTC Construction and Destruction
  66. 2:52:57 – A Decades Long Conspiracy
  67. 2:54:36 – Credits and References
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