Orwellian YouTube Censors my 9/11 Video After it Went Viral #911Truth #Censorship

It was just a matter of time...

My #911Truth Part 11 video featuring Wolf Clan Media's Game-Changing "9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality" Documentary went viral these past few months, gaining almost 1 Million views!

But then right on the New Year January 1, 2019, the video gets placed in a "Limited" state by the Orwellian Team at YouTube. This doesn't just affect the earnings, but also DRAMATICALLY lowers the amount of views.

Sigh.... Can't say I'm surprised... Anyways, please do your part by sharing the video and also donating to help the cause! https://mes.fm/donate

✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media: https://steemit.com/terrorism/@mes/911truth-part-11-feature-documentary-9-11-alchemy-facing-reality-by-wolf-clan-media

Full #911Truth Video Series: https://mes.fm/911truth-playlist

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