Exploring 1980's ," Bhuteshwar maharaj temple" in the lap of river Giri


Hello, eveyone hope you all making good enough memories as said by someone every memory we create is a footprint on the path of a life we make together . The best part of memories is making them and today i want to share one of the best family trip with you. A 1980's temple of Bhuteshwar maharaj maipul which is situated at riverside of Giri river .
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Bhuteshwar Maharaj Temple is located at State highway-6,Theog ,in Shimla district Himachal Pradesh 171226.
It takes around two hours from Shimla to reach Maipul temple and we strated our trip from Theog which is my home town.


This was our family trip which includes my maternal uncle and his wife and their sons .My elder sister and my mom . From Theog it took 45 mins to reach Sainj which was the main market of that place. From there we buy some eatables and started our trip again.
These are some photographs that we captured in front of the temple .


On our way to temple we found some estray cows which were walking on the highway and this was like a very selfish thing people use these animals for their own purpose for milk and many thing and when they felt like they are not of their use they open them in a highway or in a jungle.
These animals can not talk but this doesnot mean we can treat them like hell In India you can see many animals wandering on highways which is the main cause of the death of these animals. There should be a proper laws for these animals.


You are most welcome to a holy place maipul. We reached temple around 11'o clock as we started our journey early in the morning Temple which was situated at the riverside of giri river have a great history with the name maipul. Before entering the temple we decided to take bath in the river Giri

We parked our car at the opposite of temple and leave our mobile phones and important things in the car. We were very exicted to go in the river because it was a sunny day and we firstly decided to go in river.


This was the view of the river Giri from the bridge known as maipul. In given below photo you can see the long stairs are made at corner of river they are made so that people visting here can easily take bath and don't slip over the stones.
And there was many warning signs on that there were written Water is deep don't go futher.

There were many stones at the banks of river which was carried by river when water level of river rises in rainy season. And after sometime we see some small fishes in river we decided to give some biscuits to them and after that we found a place where the level of water is less so that we can take bath.


We found very perfect place for bathing and before entering in the water we throw some stones at the corner and at middle of the river because in this river many snake were founded and after that we spend around three hours in the water playing ,jumping and captured some photos.
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You can see in above photographs how much we enjoyed on that day. Water was very cold at starting it took 10-15 min to take first step in water and finally we adopt the temperature of water and after that i was very normal for us. It was one of the best day of my life .After that we take some photos.



I found some beautiful flowers at the riverside and i clicked some photos from my camera.



When we were going back from river side to temple we see some local people who were trying to clean the river, here some visitors throw garbage and plastic which cause very difficult for the locals. We should always carry our garbage back to our home or throw them in dustbin .



We also see some caves their which was formed from the pressure of the water when the water level of river rises.

This was the bridge that i was talking about earlier which is known as maipul .There is very intresting story about this bridge .
In 1960's there was a women who firstly take action of making this bridge . Earlier there was no way to cross the river in rainy season when the water level rises for months they were not able to cross the river so that women decided of making a bridge but she don't even have peny so she collected money for months from people and save that much of money so she can afford to pay the builder and for the raw material. In hindi mother is known as 'maai' and bridge is known as 'pul' so people named that bridge is the memory of that women MAIPUL.
Later on this was rebuild by public works department a Indian government agency resposible for building and maintaining public services.
After that we entered the temple and priest told us story about the temple . In 1986 ,GIRIJANAND MAHARAJ who was a great saint came at this place and meditate for two years without any food which aware people about his powers and they build the temple . Two times in a year people came here worship for their good health and take bath in this holy river.

On are way back to home we saw a beautiful temple at the top of hill which was surrounded by the river but we could not find the way for that temple so we capture photos and rush back to our home.
Hope so you like this beautiful blog ..
These all photographs are captured in DSLR D3500.

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