Future Tech - Part 10 - A Trip Around the World on Hyperloop One.

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Since we did away with the horse and carriage and learned how to build cars, planes, boats, trains..., public transport has remained pretty much the same. We still use trains, planes, buses, cars for over a century now with little development in any new type of mass public transportation. (those little hoverboard things that don't hover don't count.)
Thanks to the mind of Elon Musk, we may soon have a new mode of transport. The Hyperloop.

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The Hyperloop concept was initially announced by the Tesla man himself, Elon Musk, back in 2013 by releasing a 58 page white paper outlining the idea. (Read it Here) the hyperloop would be faster, that's 760Mph fast, safer, low cost, convenient, immune to weather, sustainable self powered, resistant to earthquakes and not disruptive to those along the route.

The design of the ''capsule'' actually reminds me of a B-movie called 'the Core' from 2003. (watch it, it isn't all that bad),but instead of digging through rock, it digs through air, but how it works is all based on proven science.

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The propulsion of the Capsule uses linear electrical motor which raises the capsule up, just like trying to push to opposing magnets together. This in turn, both pushes and pulls the capsule along in the loop. This will reduce the friction that wheels would otherwise cause.
The loop itself will be vacuum sealed, further reducing the drag, but what remaining air there is will not be a problem. On the front of the capsule will be a giant rotor, almost the diameter of the pod itself, this will draw any air into a compressor, leaving the remaining air to flow over the pod with no resistance. The compressed air will be pumped out of another rotor on the back of the pod, creating a cushion to reduce drag even further.

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The aim of the loop is to be 100% green, drawing power from wind and solar power along the route, not relying on just 1 source, but many. This would make the Hyperloop, fully self sufficient, sustainable and more efficient than any other type of transport.
The advantage of the hyperloop being 100% green would mean low cost travel and an end to expensive plane and train tickets. There ultimate goal is to make the hyperloop affordable to everyone.

Elon Musk has made the technology surrounding the Hyperloop and some of Tesla's technology fully open source so anyone can contribute, design or improve upon the technology that will be used in the final product.
Large corporations and governments from around the world are investing in the Hyperloop technology and even the Finnish and Swedish Government is planning to build one in there country. (Read more about Bruce Upbin's announcement here)

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Currently the company responsible for the hyperloop, called Hyperloop One, has already set up a test site in the Nevada desert to test speed, power, safety and design concepts (Read the Press Release here). At this test facility, they even hold competitions for pod designs. This competition is to invite University teams to come and compete to build the best pod design possible. The last competition was held in August 2017 and you can now register for the 2018 competition. So if your in University, get a few friends together and Sign Up Here

Hyperloop One are projecting to have 3 fully working routes in America, India and Finland/Sweden by 2021. they have not yet said when they expect to have a global network, but if we look at the history of trains, cars and planes. Those modes of transports took almost 50 years before they had an effective global coverage, so it would be safe to assume that by 2060, we could travel from London UK to Sydney Australia for a fraction of a plane ticket, and be there in only a few hours instead of 18 hours.

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With successful speed and safety tests so far completed, Hyperloop One is the fastest growing travel design I have ever seen and it would not surprise me if they beat there goal of a working system by 2021. think I will hold off on that dream holiday for now and see what happens.

If you want more details about the Hyperloop Project, Visit Hyperloop-One.com to find out more.

Thanks for reading.
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Stu @TechMojo

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