Latest Revolution in Google Maps Navigation with Augmented Reality: VPS

Going to a new place and lost with directions? Shout out to VPS then. GPS can be coined as Visual Positioning System (VPS) now. It is made to revolutionize and enhance your GPS experience to a next level.

Google has announced new software treats lately and I think it is the best one among them. Every time we used GPS while going to a new location, we all felt the lack of Visual Positioning as where are we heading and which direction we should follow?

Google Maps and your own Smartphone camera can solve this issue now. Yes, you heard it right! Click on the GPS, open the camera and it will use your image to identify your surroundings and then it will visually communicate your entire route on the GPS system.

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Tap on the visual view button, point your camera where you want to go then you would see pointing arrows, a small map at the bottom and other info like restaurants, companies or other businesses covering the same image you are capturing. It would guide you the right direction to move for the destination. This would be a powerful addition to the Street View functionality of the GPS.

Check video here:

Till now GPS also found to trip us and dodge with directions sometimes but now it would be much easier for Google to assess our exact location with greater accuracy. Google’s extensive back-end research and analyses have made it all possible. They are also planning to impersonate this concept with an animated character who would ask you to follow him visually for your route. So, VPS navigation would only be available for pedestrian travelers.

Also they are working on detailed indoor location positioning using its Tango 3D sensing computer vision technology. You can locate any item inside a large mall without touching any item. Isn’t it a boon for the workers working in that firm? Check here:
Source: Tech Crunch

It is amazing to see how a Pokemon- Go game's Augment Reality technology has brought new waves in how technology can be used in varied ways.

Now, you can just make a quick decision for nearest restaurant or a favorite halt while on the go.

Go for a hassle-free directions guide next time you visit a new location!

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